Chapter 28- Training

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Deep amongst the dense jungle trees and undergrowth of Ajan Kloss, two lightsabers moved in unison as a princess and master watched on, one and the same.

"You must teach them now, Leia," Luke's voice whispered to his sister.

"How do I stop them from falling, complete their training when I never did?" Leia had asked her brother's voice. She knew it wasn't in her mind; her brother wasn't gone; she felt him different but strong in the Force.

"You have everything you need. You are the last Jedi, the last hope."

"No, they are," she whispered as she watched her son and the girl, a Dyad in the Force, the power of life itself, move as one, for they were.

In the humid air, a glowing mist hung around each blade, illuminating the surrounding green vegetation in hues of blue and red: slow, measured movements, lunge, block, attack. Slowly spinning to land on the other foot, the lightsaber arching around. It could almost be a dance, beautiful and mesmerising.

"Good. Let us try again," Leia said as the pair finished.

Rey turned to face Ben, his expression sombre.

"Remember, be one with the Force," Leia advised as Ben raised his arm to turn his lightsaber backwards.

Rey waited ready, and he stepped forward, attacking with his lightsaber in a backhanded position, striking at her. She blocked it, but he instantly threw her off. He stepped forward again, and she lunged, but he held her lightsaber with the Force before he struck at her from above. He wasn't holding back; it took all Rey's might to throw him off. She shook her hand and looked at him, alarmed. His look reminded her of who he'd been on Starkiller Base- the monster, purposeful, emotionless and uncaring. Ben came at her again. She held his lightsaber back with the Force this time before leaping backwards. He ran and jumped after her, immediately crashing his lightsaber onto hers and bringing her to her knees. He struck at her again; she couldn't get up, and then he raised his cross-guard weapon high as if to strike a killing blow.

"Ben," Rey whispered, suddenly afraid.

The arm he had up to the strike stopped where it was.
"If I wanted to kill you, I could have. You're trying too hard."
He lowered his lightsaber.

"You made your point, Ben," his mother scolded as she walked towards them, her fingers trailing lightly against the ferns and creepers. This planet was full of fond memories of training with her brother, and it now fell to her to guide the girl and her son; she was no Jedi master, but she'd learnt from the best.

"You're too strong, too experienced," Rey uttered, trying to quell the fear that had caught in her chest.

"Ben will always have a physical advantage, but that isn't why he wins. He wins because he uses the Force."

"I used the Force!" Rey exclaimed, struggling to her feet.

"I can see you. I can see your intentions before you even carry them out through the Force," Ben replied. "You must open yourself to it, be its conduit, let go and let it flow through you."

Leia stepped over to her son and handed him a helmet. He placed it over his head and pulled the visor down; it was painted over, making him blind to his surroundings. He took a position to ready himself.

"You've got to be kidding me," Rey proclaimed.

"Again," Leia said.

Ben crouched one hand on the floor, one leg straight out to the side, his lightsaber drawn in his other hand. Rey considered before charging at him, but he leapt over her. He must've sensed her plan of attack because he spun on his feet to block her subsequent strike. Her arms began to shake with the pressure again; he was too strong.

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