Chapter 21- Consequences

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General Hux stood with Captain Phasma in the hangar of Starkiller Base. His arms were held stiffly behind his back; his chest was puffed out, the collected exterior hiding the elated pounding in his chest. This was the moment he'd been waiting for the demise of Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader Snoke's fury at finding Ren had gone with the scavenger girl had been terrible. Snoke had severe retribution planned and had requested certain conditions for the treacherous Ren until his arrival, but Hux had his own plans for Kyo Ren first. Hux had been patient so long, gaining Allegiant General Pryde's confidence and trust. He would finally become the second in command to their Supreme Leader, as he always should have been. The rule of the First Order and Galaxy would soon be rightfully theirs- his and Snokes. He was anxious with anticipation. 

The crude, black outline of the Night Buzzard came into view and slowly entered the hangar wrapped in a haze of dirty smog that made Hux wrinkle his nose. He hated that flying prison almost as much as he despised its occupants. The rusted, blackened transport landed ungracefully upon the shining floor of the hangar. Hux could not help but grimace at the contrast: the sleek, clean efficiency of this space station, of the tie fighters within its hangars, compared with the smoking, ugly, modified flying dungeon that was leaving its metal and dirt excrement on the black mirror floor. However, Hux's disgusted grimace turned quickly into a gloating smile as he watched the inhabitants of the craft exit. The five black-clad and helmeted dark-side Knights of Ren and with them their prize: their former leader, Kylo Ren. As an added bonus, Kylo Ren's father, Rebellion hero General Han Solo, was a prisoner, too. Of course, Hux did not know what Han Solo looked like, but the Knights had contacted Starkiller Base to inform them of the prisoners they were bringing to Snoke. Unlike most of those within the First Order, Hux knew Ren's lineage, born into privilege, the son of a Princess, a Skywalker by blood and born with abilities few possessed; Ren had had a most advantageous beginning in life. Hux could see the likeness between the two men: their stance, certain elements of their faces like the nose and mouth. He smiled to himself; such a bounty. The Knights walked silently towards Hux, shoving their bound captives harshly. Kylo's abilities were nothing for them to fear. Hux understood you had to be weak of mind, but that did not make lower officers and troopers in the vicinity unsusceptible bound or otherwise.

"Alright, alright, you can stop shoving," General Solo responded to each jab as they were thrust forward one last time.

The Knights, along with their former leader, were silent. Hux could see Ren gravely wounded. His lips were stained darkly with blood, and the clothing around his ribs was torn beneath. Hux could see charred bloody flesh. Around the hole, the clothing seemed wet and darker from where Ren's wound had bled profusely. His face had a hideous slash running from above his eyebrow all the way down his face, and it continued down to his chest, where his tunic had been neatly sliced. His long dark hair, which Hux had always had a particular issue with, hung in damp waves. His pallor seemed even paler than usual. Blood loss and possible fever, Hux guessed, were the cause. Hux could see the anger in Ren's eyes, the resentment, and the resignation. Good.

"Kylo Ren, so good to have you back," Hux simpered with false pleasantness. "Supreme Leader Snoke has been most concerned. He has been informed you have been returned and comes to see you personally." Now, the fake smile and false care faded away, "Our Supreme Leader has planned great consequences for your treachery, but until his arrival, you are mine to do with as I deem fit."

Kylo looked past Hux to where Captain Phasma stood slightly behind and to Hux's right.

"Don't you mean I'm hers to do with as you please? You and I both know you'd never dirty your hands to do the task yourself. You never have. Why start now?"

 Why start now?"

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