Chapter 7- The Truth Will Out

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"My boy. I felt a disturbance in the Force, and I sense unease in you. Tell me, my young friend, what is troubling you? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Snoke, it's nothing, really." Ben tried not to sound fazed but knew his emotions, unease, and agitation about what had happened with Rey would be visible to his metaphysical friend within the Force.

"Have you given any more thought to my offer?" Snoke's disembodied voice asked.

Ben knew what Snoke was referencing. Snoke referred to it as the completion of his training. Ben was practically a Jedi; there were only the trials to face. There was much to learn after becoming a master; there was always more to learn, but Snoke offered a different kind of knowledge and learning, other skills and abilities, and Ben was intrigued, more than intrigued- tempted.

"I told you I already have a teacher."

"You are almost a Jedi; there is no more Skywalker can teach you."

"There is much yet for me to learn," Ben answered, thinking of his Uncle's teachings that one's learning was never complete.

"True, but not from a Jedi. What I offer cannot be taught by the Jedi. Think of the potential to be both Jedi and Sith, both teachings without the weaknesses; stronger than both."

"No, I'll not join the dark. I'll be a Jedi like my Uncle. I am a Skywalker."

"That you are. What do you know about your mother's parents?"

Ben's animosity towards Snoke's persistence changed with this new line of questioning. Snoke had never asked about his family before. His mother often spoke and most fondly of her father, Bail. Bail Organa had watched the Senate dissolved by Chancellor Palpatine and, along with his mother's old friend Mon Mothma, had formed the Resistance. She spoke of her mother's beauty and compassion but remembered very little else. He did not know why Snoke would want to know these things, but lying to him seemed unnecessary, so he shared what he knew openly.

"Her mother died while she was very young. Her father was Bail Organa, a politician and member of the Senate. He died when the Death Star destroyed their home- the planet Alderaan."

There was a long pause of silence before Snoke's voice filled Ben's hut.

"Bail Organa was her adopted father. Your Uncle and mother are twins who were separated at birth. What do you know of their biological parents, your grandparents?"

Ben's face contorted in confusion. His mother and Uncle had never told him, so they couldn't know who their birth parents were.

"Nothing," he whispered, suddenly afraid, a cold shiver descending from his head down his back, wrapping itself around his gut.

"Have you heard the story of the Jedi Anakin Skywalker?"

Anakin Skywalker. Hundreds of questions flooded Ben's mind. He knew nothing of this man. He remained silent, and Snoke continued.

"He was the hero of the Clone Wars and the Senate. Along with his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is your true grandfather."

A Jedi, a hero, but a father? Attachment of any kind for the Jedi during the old Republic was forbidden, as was possession. A Jedi who'd broken the rules. What had become of him?

"Who?" Ben started. "How?" he stopped again.

It seemed Snoke could hear his unspoken questions and answered them.

"He secretly married a politician, Queen Amidala of Naboo."

Married, not just an affair but a promise to a life a Jedi couldn't have. Ben considered this new information quietly. Queen Amidala, a politician like his mother and her adopted father, Bail. His mother's political inclinations were as much about her social upbringing and her environment as her inherited nature, it would appear.

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