Chapter 6- The Force

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Ben sat silently, eyes closed, thinking, beginning to meditate within the Force. In this state, it would show him the answers to his problems. Since Elphrona, he felt satisfied at his place with Luke. Luke had been proud and had said so openly. However, what Ren had said about his shadow, his conversations with Snoke, this strange detached voice and presence in his life, this conflict within him needed to be resolved. Ben breathed deep and slow as he listened to the gentle lap of the waves and the whistle of the wind through his hut. As he reached out into the Force, he realised the lap of the waves had gone; the wind had gone. All he could hear was the sound of his own breath; his surroundings had silenced. He opened his eyes and saw Rey. What peace he'd felt within the Force disappeared as he looked at her; she looked awful.

"Rey," he launched himself off his cot and went to her.

She sat huddled in a corner that he could not see, her arms wrapped tightly about her knees. She seemed to be shaking slightly. She turned to him, and he saw a smile that lit up her eyes. She was glad to see him, glad he was here.

"Rey?" he repeated her name as a question, an open invitation to share her troubles.

She started to sniffle as she tried to consolidate her present concerns.
"I didn't scavenge enough for a portion to eat. I'm so hungry."

Ben's mouth dropped in dismay. This little girl, who could be no more than twelve or thirteen, was fending for herself. He couldn't understand why it hadn't occurred to him earlier when she said she'd been abandoned by her parents when she'd told him she was alone and that she cared for herself. That the food she ate she earned. He didn't have much in his hut provisions-wise, but he immediately sought it out some milk, dried fish, dried seaweed, biscuits and fruit. As he sat before her, his arms laden with his supplies, it dawned on him he didn't know if he'd be able to give any of it to her, but he had to try. Closing his eyes, he held the fish and biscuits in his hand out towards her and breathing deeply, he thought of Rey and the items with her in her arms.

"Look at the food, Rey, hold your hand out towards it, imagine it in your hand, imagine how it feels, how it smells."

Ben reached into the Force and imagined passing the biscuits to her, how the weight would shift to her, and how her small rough fingers felt as she took the food from his; he felt them, and his eyes flung open. She smiled at him, the food now in her hands, and he smiled back. He was surprised and impressed, relieved it had worked.

"OK, again," he said as he now held the milk, dried seaweed and fruit.

Ben sat afterwards, watching her as she ate. He noticed it before, but it was more evident now; she ate like one who was unsure when she'd eat again; nothing was savoured or enjoyed. She ate like one desperate for air after suffocating, inhaling great gulps without pausing. When she was finished, he spoke.

"Rey, what do you do to earn your food?"

"I scavenge parts from the ships in the Jakku desert. I clean them up and trade them to Unkar for food."

She looked at his shocked expression. Now she was a little older, she could read him better, "Don't you have to earn your food."

He looked at her forlornly, "No. No, I don't work; I go to school. I've always gone to school to learn, read, do calculations, and science, and now I am at my Uncle's Jedi Academy, where I learn about the Force. I'm becoming a Jedi just like him. The Force is strong in my family. My Uncle has it; my mother has it; I have that power, too."

Ben proceeded to tell her about his schooling on Chandrila and his lessons here on Ahch-To. She already looked better for having eaten, and now her face beamed as she listened to all the things Ben had learnt, and he could sense from her a wish that she could do the same.

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