Chapter 40- Celebration on Ajan Kloss

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The reunions on Ajan Kloss turned into a night-long celebration. Firewater from some secret hidden place was found, and a crowd formed around a large fire. Those who'd survived toasted to their lost friends who'd made the ultimate sacrifice for peace. It was bitter-sweet, as an end to war always was. Those who'd fallen would not be forgotten; a ceremony would be scheduled on Takondana where the continued negotiations with the First Order's remaining leaders would take place. However, at this moment, a chance to embrace life to feel alive without the threat of being pursued or that dawn would bring another battle was being thoroughly enjoyed.

Ben watched Rey dance about the fire with Cadel, Paige, Rose and Finn. Poe came and sat at his side, handing him a glass, which Ben eyed suspiciously.

"Go on, live a little," Poe said, handing it to him again.

Much of the frivolities of life his father enjoyed had not been appropriate to Ben as a young man and padawan Jedi; drink of any kind was one of them, but then so too had been love. Ben had definitely strayed in that capacity and had no intention of renouncing his feelings on that matter. He took the glass, and Poe clinked his against Ben's before knocking it back with a shake of his head and an exclamation before pouring another. Ben followed his lead, shooting the liquid fire down his throat; it burned unpleasantly.

"Urgh," he exclaimed, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, "that is disgusting."

Poe laughed, "I think he likes it. Want another?"

Ben turned to him rather dismayed at the suggestion, but the burning liquid was warming his chest, and a rather not unpleasant taste now filled his mouth.

"Absolutely, yes," he said, allowing Poe to top his empty glass back up.

"You're alright, Solo," Poe said, shooting the second drink.

Ben smiled. Friends weren't ever something he'd had either, and it was nice to sit, joke, talk, and play Dejarik.

"Not so bad yourself, Dameron," he clinked his glass to Poe's third shot and drank his, squinting his eyes and shaking his head at the fire in his mouth as it slid down his throat.

"You're a lucky man, you know that, Solo," Poe said, watching the group dancing by the fire, Finn and Rose holding hands, Cadel, Paige and Rey laughing and dancing.

"I do," Ben replied, watching Rey as she leapt about, illuminated by the light, her laughter filling him with joy.

Across the fire, Leia stood with her husband and lifelong friends, Chewbacca and Lando. They embraced and chatted animatedly, Han's arm about her waist protectively as he and Lando and Chewie exchanged their tales of adventure; some things never changed. She remembered a similar time fondly from her past, dancing to the rustic sounds of the Ewok tribe on the forest moon of Endor. With the firelight amongst the trees, the dancing and laughter, Leia felt transported to another time just as happy when her brother had been with her and their father had been redeemed. The younger Resistance members danced joyfully. It was finally over. Leia watched the fire hypnotised, lost in memory. The golden flames flickered and swayed, and embers danced in the black sky like fireflies. Within the Force, something glimmered and entreated her. Leia excused herself from her loved ones, feeling as though she were being drawn just to the edges of where the light reached, the darkness beyond the glow, beyond the happy chatter and drumming. Deep into the darkness, amongst the trees and wilderness, Leia stopped. There was nothing of particular significance about this particular section of forest, the towering trunks reaching up to the starry sky above as immense as anywhere. The beautiful thick coppice surrounding her was as lush here as elsewhere on Ajan Kloss. Leia waited, the feeling in the Force holding her focus. She turned, and from behind the wooden torso of an ancient planetary native strode not one but two glowing blue presences; her brother was one, and the other was her father.

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