Chapter 5- Expedition to Elphrona

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"Ben," Luke called from outside Ben's hut. It was too early for the day's lessons to begin, but Ben was awake. Another fitful night's sleep had plagued him, and another day of exhaustion lay ahead.

"Lor is here; I'd like you to join us on our expedition to Elphrona. Make sure to bring your lightsaber. It is an extension of yourself now. Hopefully, there will be no reason to use it."

Ben gathered up his lightsaber and attached it to his belt. He'd grown accustomed to wearing it since its construction. Master Luke did not need to remind him to bring it. His lightsaber was now his constant companion; it even lay next to him on his cot at night. His lightsaber was a part of him, often called to him in his sleep during his nightmares. Ben had painstakingly crafted the hilt of his lightsaber over many months. The hilt of every Jedi's sabre was different. Ben had constructed his lightsaber from weapons he was already familiar and comfortable with: parts of bows and blasters. Ben's hilt was standard, with no double-blades or curved hilts; the hilt was straight. Nestled within the hilt was Ben's Kyber crystal; it had chosen him- called to him. When ignited, the blade shone blue; it was a powerful, elegant weapon and a ready means of defence. Creating his lightsaber had been an essential right of passage. His skills were nearly complete, but as his Uncle reminded him,

"You should never consider your skills complete, to have learnt all you can; there is always more that can be learned. Always, you should be mindful; never complacent. Always a serious mind and an unwavering commitment."

Lor San Tekka was a gatherer, a Jedi worshipper who attempted to preserve the Jedi religion and teachings. Ben had met him a handful of times growing up. His mother was fond of him, an older man who spoke in a gentle voice that crackled like dry leaves. Lor felt confident that Elphrona was an old Jedi outpost from a great expansion into the Unknown Regions during the High Republic era. 

Elphrona was an outer-rim territory. It would be a long trip, and Ben, though feeling excited at what they might see and slightly honoured that his Uncle had thought to include him, was not looking forward to being confined to such a small space for so long a time. The voices plagued him in the day now as well as in his sleep, and sometimes, he'd been caught by Tai or Hennix shouting at the voice to leave him alone. The presence and the voice weren't menacing anymore; he didn't fear them as he had. It was almost friendly, often advising him and encouraging him, soothing his nerves. He often found himself speaking to the presence that called themselves Snoke, as he might a confidant. As he might once have spoken to Tai or Rey. Regardless of the outcome, Snoke's intrusions into his day and night were still unwelcome; this voice no one else could hear. Ben appeared unhinged; he would have to ignore it if it occurred on their journey.

During the flight to Elphrona, Luke and Lor sat in the pilot and co-pilot's chairs; Ben sat behind them, watching the stars and planets outside the canopy in white and yellow light streams. The voice came, and he was surprised it could reach him here. It made him nervous; it did not require the darkness of the island to call to him. It could reach him here, which meant there was nowhere in the Galaxy it would not find him. 

"I sense disquiet in you, my friend. Is all well?"

Ben took a breath, and in his mind, he answered, "I'm fine, Snoke. Master Luke is taking me on a mission with him. Some planet, an ancient outpost of the Jedi."

Elphrona was a rocky planet, all greys and browns. No life from plants or native inhabitants was visible. It did not feel particularly remarkable within the Force, and Ben could sense his Uncle's misgivings about Lor's intelligence. Why would the Jedi have an outpost here?

"You're sure about this, Lors?"

"I think after all my wanderings, I can recognise the description of a Jedi outpost when I hear it, Luke."

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