Songstress- A New Explorer

Start from the beginning

"She reminds me of that human. She'll make a fine hero."

Sigils lit up on the dark, black cave walls. They were silver and shaped like burning embers. On closer inspection, Hannah noticed four rectangular prongs on the bottom and a shape like an eye in the center.

"She's going to kill her. Are you going to just watch like you always do?"

The sigils lit a path further in. Hannah gazed up at a yellow beam of light coming from over her head. It was too high and steep to climb up.

With no other direction, Hannah started to walk forward. After a few steps, she realized the cave floor was replaced with tiled bricks. They must've been built by someone.

"I'll send a shooting star through time to grant the wishes of and help those who will rise against me."

Hannah rubbed the sides of her arms as she continued. The path curved down deeper. It grew cooler. Without the echo of water dropping, the whispers seemed louder.

"There have been many before you. Many before you. Many many many many bebebebe-

"There have been many before you. None after."

The floor dropped under Hannah's feet. As she fell, she readied her limbs to catch herself at any second. It was pitch-black. She couldn't see where the floor was.

"Give me visions."

Hannah landed. She grunted as she collapsed on a hard tiled floor.

"So this is the one. Morgan."

Light from further ahead revealed her surroundings. Several pillars stood in front of and behind her. Up ahead, the light came down through countless holes in the cave ceiling. Dark, foreboding moss grew near them.

"Hello there!"

Hannah's fur stood on edge. Her eyes focused forward where the voice came from.

A Wigglytuff with bright blue eyes and a wide smile waved to her. She walked forward as Hannah stayed still in place.

No sound came from Wigglytuff's footsteps. Hannah couldn't feel any emotions either.

She was some sort of spirit or illusion.

"What are you?" Hannah demanded. "Speak now."

"I am Helena," Wigglytuff said. "I was Lugia's Scion some six-hundred years ago."

"Are you the one whispering?"

"Oh, that... That's just the lingering voice of the enemy. Our enemy."

"Who?" she asked.

"I do not know this. I am here for you. We all are."

Lights flickered in the corner of the room. Silver embers danced in the air high over Cinccino Hannah's head. Her head swam staring at them.

"It is an eternal cycle," Wigglytuff Helena said. "The spirits of Scions remain in this world after death to guide our successors. Only after, we pass into the afterlife. I am here to act as a guide for the rest of your living days."

"What do you mean guide?" Hannah questioned.

"To help and befriend, naturally! Would you like to know about me?"

"I... I suppose...?"

"Come, sit!"

Wind shoved Hannah in the back. She flew in the air and landed on top of a smooth rock under the beams of light. Wigglytuff Helena already sat next to her.

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