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August 29, 1959

"Thank you, folks, for coming, and good night!" Paul quickly spoke on the microphone before setting down his instrument and walking off stage. The other boys followed before I saw Ken get snatched up by a bird. Who's to say I'm not the least bit surprised?

Paul came in my direction and smiled. I put my arms around his neck and whispered into his ear, "You were brilliant up there!"

"Thank you. C'mon, let's go outside where we have a little more space." I feel him grab my wrist and lead me outside the Casbah where John, Cyn, and George already were. The three of them were talking about something, as I feel a hand on my shoulder that definitely wasn't Paul. As I look behind me, I notice it was Mona Best.

John notices her joining us and raises an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Well, I really liked your band's performance tonight. So after thinking for a bit and a little encouragement from my son - I would like to offer a residency here at the Casbah." I see George and John's jaws drop in front of me, and when I turned so did Paul's. Mona laughed at the sight. "You boys better close those mouths before you catch flies."

John was the first one to snap out of the little trance they were all in and responded, "Yeah, I mean, of course, we want it. When can we start?"

"We can discuss it more some other time, but for now, all of you just enjoy yourselves. Goodnight." Mona enters back into the door of the Casbah Club, leaving all of us to process all this new information.

"Did I hear that right? Are we getting a fucking residency?" George asked.

"I guess we are, Geo!" The three of them went into a group hug which I had never seen them do before. I shuffled over to Cynthia and whispered, "Well shit. I've never seen that before."

She chuckled and we both diverted our attention back to John, Paul, and George when I heard John call out, "BEVVIES ON ME!"

"John, you don't have enough money for that-" Cyn reminded him.


I shake my head in disagreement as all of us head back inside the noisy pub.

. . .

George's POV

After a few hours, Nat and Cyn left a bit early because they were both exhausted. Paul was in the bathroom when John put a hand on my shoulder.

"Georgie - you know what? The band finally has a steady gig and all - but I still can't have the only person I want. Fucking pathetic."

"John, what are you talking about? You have Cyn-"

"No, not her! Natalie!"

My eyes widen. John said her name so loud, but he was lucky that the music was louder so no one could hear him over it. I cover his mouth and put a finger to my lips.

"Mate, you can't just say that! Paul could come out of the bathroom any second now and-"

"I heard my name, what are we talking about?"

I purse my lips together and try to think of something to cover up for John. "Uh - we're talking about - uh," I look around the room and try to think of something quick. "Um, Paul Tequila! That's it."

"Paul..." He tries to repeat the name to himself, as if he had heard wrong.

"Tequila, yeah, that's right."

Paul sits back down at his spot and takes another swig of his beer. John raises his glass and points it to Paul. "To my best mate who stole me girl, thanks for nothing!"

I turned to where Paul was and he was already getting up and going to John's side. I try and hold him back from starting a fight but he shoves me away. Still pretty drunk myself, I stopped for a minute because of all the spinning that was happening.

The music suddenly stops and Paul's shouting can be heard way clearer than earlier, and all eyes were on them. By the time I pushed my way to them again after being shoved in the crowd - Pete was already trying to push Paul off of John.

I saw Pete lead a fuming Paul outside the door, as I ran to John. Paul really did a number on him, that's for sure. I slung one of his arms around my shoulder and led him out as well. Paul saw us leaving and tried to come over to John again, but thankfully Pete held him back.

There was only one place I thought of bringing him to.

. . .

I walked a long way to Nat's house, practically carrying John's entire weight the whole way. Every once in a while, he would say something I mostly didn't understand, the only coherent thing I could make out being "Natalie."

When I finally got to her door, I had to ring the doorbell a couple times before anyone answered. After probably the tenth time, Natalie's mum opened the door. She was in her hair curlers and nightgown, and at the sight of me, tried to cover herself up a bit.

"Young man, what are you doing out this late?" She suddenly noticed John at my side. "Is that John? What happened to him?"

"It's a bit complicated."

"Alright then. Bring him in, bring him in. Should I get Natalie for you?"

"Yes, that would be great, thank you."

Natalie's mum rushed up the stairs to wake up Nat. I set down John on one of the sofas, who was still murmuring something I couldn't make out.

"Whaddya mean John's here? It's late already." I could hear Nat's muffled voice from upstairs.

"Just come down, I think another friend of yours is down there too."

"But it's nighttime - I want to sleep. Can they not wait?"

"No buts. Regardless, they're still guests. And from what I've seen, it looks really important."

"Fine." A door creaks open from upstairs, and the two of them come down the stairs. Nat sits on the edge of the sofa next to me, rubbing her eyes. She looked still half asleep, not fully aware of what was going on. "Okay, Geo, what is it? My mum said John's here."

"How do I say this-" This definitely was going to be hard to explain.

"Hassa, spit it out. I don't have all night."



I get up and point to the bloodied-up John next to me. "It's John."

Nat rubbed her eyes some more before finally processing what - or who - was in front of her. Once she seemed to process it, her eyes widened at the sight.

"What the fuck."


a/n: you all enjoyed the chapter! i had a bit of a writer's block during the holidays, but ig it's ~gone~ now. and happy new year! hopefully 2021 is year full of opportunity and happiness for all of us ❤️

you really got a hold on me | john lennonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin