"My question is why you only just now found out about Rayn. Why wasn't that the first thing you did?" Asami asked bitterly. "When I first got here I did go talk to Melissa. When I asked her were Rayn was she told me he had moved out and they had lost contact." Nate told them as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Didn't you see that as a red flag that something wasn't right?" Goddric asked this time. "I did, but again I had to deal with the pack first. I have friends all over the country in various packs, prides (Feline equivalent of a pack) and covens on the look out for him." Nate said matter-o-factually. "However I never found him. Jeff only told me about Rayn after his moms death." The look Nate was giving Jeff was almost deadly. "Hey now if I had known he was your nephew I would have told you the minute you took over." Jeff defended, he never said anything until they were dealing with Rick. Nate had by chance heard Jeff offhandedly make a comment about how he deserved to be put down after what he did to Rayn when he though he was along in his office at the bar. "When I heard Jeff talking about Rayn I stormed into the office and demanded he tell me what he knew. Rick was already being punished for killing Melissa. We were going to beat the hell out of him the exile him." "So what changed?" Rayn asked his voice almost a whisper. "When I found out I lost it.Instead of exile we killed him." "So you just killed him? After all the stuff he did and put Rayn through giving him a quick death is nothing but mercy." Goddric spat. "Oh I assure you his death was not quick."

~Nate's Explanation ~

Nate had walked in to the back of the bar to talk to Jeff when he overheard him talking to himself. When he heard Rayn's name he burst in to Jeff's office. It had been months since he confronted Melissa about where Rayn was. However that had been a failure. She was drunk,which was alarming in itself as before Alex died he had never seen her touch alcohol. He had come to her multiply times to try and talk to her but she had been plastered each time. Finally he caught her mostly sober and asked about where Rayn was. Her exact words were"That little shit up and left. No clue where or what he's doing and I don't care!" She had spat the words at him. It was the most heartbreaking thing to hear. He tried to ask around the pack but no one seemed to know where he was. So I finally gave a call to my buddies around the country and a few international ones to try and find him, but no one found him so far.

When I busted into Jeff's office I clearly startled him. "What was that about Rayn?" I asked trying my best not to come off to strong."W-what?" Jeff stuttered. "You said Rick deserved more then just exile. What do you mean?" I growled using my Alpha voice. Jeff stammered and stuttered as he started telling me about what Rayn had gone through. The more he told me the more furious I got. By the time he had told me everything I was seeing red. If he hadn't been the one to get him to safety I would have ripped out his throat then and there. "Were is he? He need's to be here for his mom's funeral."I carefully told him. No one seemed to remember that I am his uncle so I decided to keep it to myself for now. "He is some where safe,but I don't think he'll come after what she did." Jeff had a look on his face that would make you think he just smell something disgusting. "Do .You. Know. Where. He. Is?" I bit out, each work becoming its own sentence. My voice was a deep growl. "I... Um..Yes, I do." He finally confessed after a moment. "Go get him Monday." Was all a said then turned an stormed out of his office before he could protest.

I stormed into my office in the pack house, startling my Beta Lizzy."What's wrong Nate?" She asked me worriedly. She was the only one in the Pack that knew Rayn was my nephew and that was only because we served in the Army together. "Jeff, the bar owner just gave me information about Rayn." I told her, practically biting her head off. "Isn't that a good thing?" She asked confused. "It would be if not for what he told me Rayn went through after my brother died." He then told her about what had happened and by the time I finished she was shaking with rage and unshed tears could be seen in her eyes. "That poor child. The fact that he is human on top of that. He most of suffered so much more then a werewolf pup." She growled. Just them there was a knock at the door. "Its open." I hollered. The door opened and Jeff walked in. "What do you need."I told him bluntly. "Um, so I figured you would like to see a picture of him. The and the wound from when Melissa attacked him."He said cautiously. I held out my hand for him to hand it to me.Lizzy stayed silent, she knew I didn't want them to know. When I looked at the picture my heart nearly stopped. Rayn's face was marred by a scar. He had looked so much like Alex, even with the scar he looked just like his dad. I fought to suppress tears while I continued to look at the photo. Rayn's once shining amethyst were not dull and held a haunted look to them. Unable to look at it any longer I slapped it down on my desk. "Thank you Jeff." I said dryly finding no other words to say. He nodded then quickly left the office. "Bring me the four best warriors, Now!" I snapped at Lizzy and she immediately left the office. Fifteen minutes later she entered the office followed by the top four warriors in the pack."You wanted to see us Alpha?" The head warrior Ashten asked."Yes, it has been brought to my attention that Rick not only beat Melissa to death but over the course of several year he beat,raped and pimped out a young man named Rayn. It was told to me that this started when he was just thirteen." He had to pause for a moment to gather his words. His warriors were already growling. "I want Rick brought to the center of the pack. His is to suffer and also set an example as to what will happen if this type of thing ever happens again. Call the pack." With that said Lizzy send word that everyone in the pack, except the children and mothers, was to meet in the center of the pack land in one hour.

One hour later I was standing in the center of the pack. Rick was being lead to my and roughly placed down on his knee's before me. He hissed in pain, but I ignored it. "Members of the Pack I have called you here but cause I have disturbing news. As many of you aware Rick beat Melissa to death, which is unacceptable. I listened to your pleads to show him some type of mercy and I did. He was to be exiled. However it has been uncovered that this piece of trash has not only killed a human in the pack, but also beat, raped and pimped out a child of just thirteen until he was almost eighteen." most of the crowd growled furiously upon hearing this. I did however notice a few faces pail at the announcement. "For this reason. I am issuing Rick to be put down. He will however get the chance to fight for his life as is the Pack law. If  he survives he will simply be exiled." I called over the crowd. "Who am I to fight?" Rick asked before boosting about being the head warrior before I took over. "Yes about that. Seeing as you were once considered the head warrior." I began dully saying. "You will be facing the top four warriors."Ricks eye's began as big as saucers. "That's not fair!" Rick spat. "I care not if its fair now SHIFT!" I told him and the warriors. Mark, Ashten, Samantha and Kyle shifted immediately,however Rick stayed still before me. "Either shift or be torn apart while in human form." I told him coldly. The warriors stepped forward and Rick finally shifted.

He attempted to jump at me, but Kyle slammed into his rib cage knocking him away from me. Rick whined as he hit the ground but got up growling before he attack Samantha. He shallowly bit into her side,but she easily broke free of him and countered. She managed to catch his left ear and bit into and ripped a chuck from it. He howled in pain as the others circled him. He, one wanting to be seen as weak or be killed, again leaped at Ashten this time. Ashten barely missed Ricks claws because Kyle and Mark had each latched on to he legs. Kyle the front right and Mark the back left tearing the flesh but not breaking the bones. Rick snarled and swiped at Kyle leaving claw marks across his side. Kyle whimpered slightly before swiping his own paw across Rick's face. By this point Rick was missing one ear,bleeding from his snout, legs and sides as well as limping. However he continued to fight not wishing to die. I watch on the side lines.The only thing that stopped me for shifting and killing him myself was Lizzy grabbing my arm and telling me that it was better to the let the warriors play with him like a toy before finally I killed him. So I did. I watch as they bit, scratched and broke bones on the bastard. He was thrown around like a rag doll. After a good twenty minutes Rick's lay on the ground. His face was ripped open in several spots, bone broken, some even poking through the skin, his sided were sliced open. He was missing one ear and the other was torn and barely hanging on. I shifted and jumped on top of him pulled a pained whine from him. I let my claws sink deep into his shoulder before violently ripped them out. Satisfied with the torture he had received I latch on to his neck and sent him to hell with a powerful bite and jerk. I dropped his now shattered neck and walked away leaving his dead body laying there. I shifted back and told the warriors to dispose of him before heading inside to shower.

~End of Nate's Memory ~

As Nate finished explaining how he had dealt with Rick, all head snapped to Rayn as he sniffled. He had started silently crying toward to the end. "What's wrong?!" Asami and Nate cried simultaneously. "I...I.... I'm just so... so relieved." Rayn hiccuped. Asami and Goddric pulled him into a hug while Nate crouched in front of him. "Rayn I am so very sorry. If only I had been here." Nate started and Rayn stopped him by once again launched himself into him. Nate held Rayn close to himself as Rayn and told him through hiccups that it wasn't his fault and that he didn't blame him. Asami and Goddric also reluctantly told him they didn't blame him, but it was still clear that they were not happy. After about ten minutes Rayn had stopped crying and the the sound of soft sniffles and steady breathing alerted them that he had cried himself to sleep. Nate carefully lifted and set him on one of the other couches in the room, covering him up with the blanket some one had left the back of the couch. "So do you guys have any more questions for me?" He asked quietly. It was clear that they did.

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