The Day Care Center

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Imagine the steel enforced titanium metal room that is right below the Heroics headquarters as a day care center. Really, only Guppy would qualify for such a term but here we are. I am Harper Louis. The day started out normal, I picked out one of the outfits above (You choose). I was 9 and my brother 15 when our parents died. Once 18 Harry became Son of Earth and a member of the heroics team. That day, Harry dropped me off at the "Day Care Center", like always. I don't talk to anyone there and keep my head buried in a book. That is why my nickname is Shadow. They don't know about my powers and I would like to keep it that way. You see, they are incredibly unpredictable and dangerous. Sort of like Wild Card. If you are getting curious, my powers are telekinesis and mind control. I use this violet mist to lift objects and/or people into the air. This is probably getting a little boring so let's start.

In the room, there is a blank hanging chair in the corner that I ALWAYS retreat to. The typical chaos follows suit once Noodles guarantees that Ms. Granada isn't in the area. Acapella starts using her voice to lift herself into the air. The twins glare at each other, and I notice a new girl sitting at one of the desks. Wheels notices too and speeds over to her. I manage to over hear parts of their conversation but nothing too interesting. Rewind has to go back in time to save one of the tables and then Fast Forward speeds up Wheels and the new girl, Missy Moreno's conversation. I smile when Missy figures out Ojo powers. Missy points at me.

"Who is she?"

"She is Shadow, her brother is Son of Earth. Her parents were KIA a couple years ago. We aren't sure of her powers 'cause she barely speaks," Wheels explains.

Soon, they brought the T.V. down because Missy revealed that she had zero powers.

On it they announced that both Lava Girl and Shark Boy were shown emerging from the water and volcano. Then Blinding Fast cut the ribbon at the new city hall and Crushing Low destroyed the new building. Slow-Mo slowly handed Wild Card the bag of popcorn. Now, they were showing the different superheroes gathering to fight one of the alien threats. I could see Harry balancing on a rock that was flying. I grabbed the necklace that Harry gave me when he became a Heroic, saying that if the necklace glowed green that meant he was alive and thinking about me. He had the same thing except a bracelet on his wrist. Missy realized her dad who was supposed to no longer fight. 

Just then, Miracle Guy was slammed into a building and Invisi-girl turned invisible. Shark Boy crashed into a helicopter and then was taken by the alien forces quickly followed by Miracle Guy. The two reporters announced that both Miracle Guy and Shark Boy have officially been kidnapped by alien forces. Rewind and Fast Forwards parents started arguing about who would go through the door first and were also captured by the aliens. The twins called out in panic as their parents were taken away. Then it showed Crushing Low and Harry approaching to fight, I stood up, no one noticed my sudden movement. My fingers were crossed as I prayed to every god ever known to save my only family left. Unfortunately he was taken from behind and knocked out while Crushing Low struggled against his bonds. Mrs. Vox showed up and managed to get rid of a couple of aliens before one snuck up from behind and covered her mouth with one of its tentacles, causing for her to be whisked away as well. Lava girl appeared on the screen as a single tear fell from my face onto the floor. She hit an alien but also hit Techno and the aliens got those two. Blinding Fast sped around a couple of the octopus like aliens but was also grabbed and kidnapped. Now it was Marcus Moreno who had to fight these purple aliens solo. He called Missy.

"Dad we had a deal!" She cried into her watch phone.

"I know, I promised I wouldn't be a hero anymore," He unsheathed his swords," But I'm still the leader of the heroics."

"Dad! Dad! Get out of there," Missy demanded.

"And a good leader, leads by example," He explained.

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