|mending some hearts|

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"Oh Tommo, you keep track of all small things don't you?" Liam snapped back but he had relaxed a bit.

"Thank me that I am not in front of you" he teased him back.

"No Lou, treat everyone with kindness okay?" he cuddled up to Louis kissing his forehead.

"Okayyyy babe" he replied softly.

"Larry all the way"Niall shouted clapping his hands happily.

"When did you two meet?" Liam questioned but smiled seeing them act all cuddly and soft.

"On the street" Louis replied rolling his eyes and kissing Harry on the cheek.

Niall laughed again.

"Aw, are you making fun of us Niall but you look cute when you laugh," Harry said breaking into a grin.

Louis puffed beside him not liking the fact that he called someone else cute. Harry quickly turned to Louis and kissed him on his lip making Louis melt and kissing him back.

"Guys, I love you both but please remember we are here," Liam said while holding out a peace sign.

"NO WAIT" Niall's voice was so loud that Liam had to close his ears.

"Why on the earth are you screaming Nialler?" Liam glared at him rubbing his ears.

"Where's Zayn? He isn't in here" Niall asked looking confused.

"I tried calling him but it went to voicemail" Harry replied sadly.

Louis kept quiet and just held harry.

"Um, let's try calling his manager maybe" Liam suggested.

"Ya, I will do it". Niall dialled Zayn's manager, Robert and he picked up on the 3rd ring.

"Yes, you are speaking to Zayn Malik's manager. May I know who is it?"

"I am Niall Horan, Zayn's best friend".

"Me too" Harry shouted.

"Yes, Harry too" Niall looked at Harry apologetically while Harry puffed his cheeks.

"Come here baby" Louis hugged Harry and patted his hair.

"Niall, just ask already!!!!" Liam shouted, glaring at him and he literally looked like an electronic monster(Niall said it not me).

"Yes, so can we speak to Zayn please" Niall requested.

"Um, Mr Malik requested no phone calls today, I am sorry sir," Robert said in a low voice.

"But, we are his best friends, he has to talk to us, pleaseeeeeee, in the name of crunch chips!!! Pleeeseeeee, just tells him it's us, he will reply pleaseeee"Niall practically begged him.

"Crunch chips?" Harry questioned quietly looking up at Louis.

"We will find out soon, see there is some stuff around him" Louis whispered back kissing his curls.

Harry smiled at him and snuggled closer.

"Just tell him to join for once," Liam told Niall.

"Just take his phone and dial us please, for once and make sure he is in the video frame" Niall pleaded again.

"That's not what I sai-"

"Yes Niall, tell him it's Harry and tell him I am pregnant, he will come running" Harry sobbed burying his face in Louis' neck.

"Okay but just for once, if Mr Malik disconnects the call, I can't do anything" Robert replied.

"Okay, thank you so much," Niall sighed with relief.

Forever Home / One DirectionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz