"That's such a stupid rule." added Salvino, "He's already laid in bed for weeks. What's the point?"

"Who knows." Santino shrugged, "But I'm not complaining right now."

"That's because you are getting spoiled by everyone." Salvino hissed, but it was half-hearted. "Everyone is literally at your beck and call. I've never seen Salvatore this complying to your needs before."

"Perks of being injured."

"You're not injured." Salvino stated, raising a brow as if he dared Santino to challenge his statement.

Santino didn't though. Instead, he nodded his head, agreeing to his twin. "True."

It was silent again.

"I'm bored." I complained again, repeating my previous words.

"No shit." drawled Santino, a wry smile on his lips. "Who isn't?"

"Salvatore." I started, prepared to list off the people who most definitely are not bored. "Ace, is probably not bored at all, Samantha, Alicia, Rosy, Al-"

"You did not need to name them." Salvino stated, cutting me off as he gave me an amused look.

"I didn't?"

"The question wasn't meant to be answered." he said in explanation. My brows furrowed.

"Then why ask it if you don't want the answer?" I frowned, my brain not understanding why Santino would ask a question he did not want people to answer.

"Uhh..." Santino trailed off, giving me a nonchalant shrug. "Good question. I don't know."


"Well," Santino sighed, "What do you want to do?"

"Truth or truth?" I suggested.

Santino gave me a 'seriously?' look even as he reluctantly agreed.

"Sure." he replied, "Who'll go first?"

"Um, I'll go, since I suggested the game." I muttered, "Um, Salvino. Truth or truth."

"You do know you don't have to say that, right?" he asked, quirking a brow.

"Well I want to, okay?" I retorted, and he shook his head, the corner of his lips tugging upwards.

"Yeah okay." he answered. "Truth."

"Have you ever dated?"



"Not answering that." he said, "It's a private thing between me and the girl. Santino, which brother are you the least closest to?"

"Um... Probably you." Santino hummed. "Amara, when was the last time you drew something?"


When was the last time I had drawn?

"Months, I think." I said slowly, nodding on the way. "Yeah, months."

"Wow." commented Salvino. "That long?"

"Well I haven't been able to find time to do anything related to art." I countered, "With all the stuff going on..."

The temperature of the room literally dropped at the subject.

I hadn't told any of my brothers anything about the torture at the Irish's base. It was a secret maintained between Samantha, Alicia, and I, and it will forever be a secret between the three of us. I know that none of us will ever be comfortable with telling people of the torture we suffered through. It was a fact. A statement of the truth.

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