The Final Agenda

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The Destroyer

"Do you even know where she lives?" Chara pesters me with more questions. Trying to get more out of me. It has only been 24 hours since I last gave her the bare bones of my plan. And now we are trying to find an outpost for food. I trudge through the snow of a foreign AU, the possessor hanging behind me.

That way she can't see when I roll my eyes.

"Last time I saw her was one time after I had fought Ink." I confess, just wanting the young spirit to quiet down. At this point I don't know if their energetic behavior comes from their personality or from being stuck in Ink's body, unused to having a soul to run it.

"Oof, that sucks." What? Oof? Okay, I guess that's a relatively normal response. The artificial light of the underground begins to wake, creating a low-lit glow from above.

"Who would know where your mom lives?" Chara offers a chance to workshop out a concrete next step. Or as concrete as this whole situation can be. The only people that first came to mind were Fate and Ink. So...there isn't much of an option there.

"No one."

"Okay, you don't know that for sure." They say, the sounds of slushing through snow filling the empty forest. Of course I know that for sure. It wasn't like anyone else I have met brought up the rulers of the Multiverse, or even knew of their existence. And it wasn't like Destiny gave me a way to contact her when we did meet.

"Well what about Gaster?" Chara offers. I really hope that was meant as a joke, because that is laughable. "You mean the very being that tried to destroy us literally a week ago?" I have to stop and see if this is serious. If they are really suggesting this as a viable option to our problem.

And of course they are.

Their eyes shows no sign of humor. The look on their face locked with determination. "No." I shut the idea down. This isn't a solution, it's a suicide mission. We couldn't beat Gaster before, and we sure as hell can't now.

"If we can't get answers from him, then maybe there is another Gaster we can go to." Chara suggests, worming their way around my concrete wall. The thought spurs on a collection of pathways. Ones where we do go and try to find another version of the skeleton.

But would they all know about Fate and Destiny? Is this even possible? How would we even find him? "I don't know." I don't want to lead them on. I don't need to show them that I am seriously considering their suggestion.

"Look, we can keep going. You know, jumping through the AU's until we can find our guy. We can just keep an eye out for a Gaster that seems like he knows his stuff. Yeah?" Chara spits out word salad, trying to keep their hope buried under the serious facade.

Honestly that seems like the closest thing we have right now to a solution. Stay away from Fate, but also scout out someone that can help. Chara waits in anticipation for my response. A conformation. I guess I now have to cave in, accepting their idea.

"Sure, why not."

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