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"Don't thank me for trying to keep our shit together." 

That...corrupted Sans had shown up. Almost put us in our damn places. Every time seeing that puppeteered skeleton sends a shiver down my spine. And all we've been doing hasn't been fighting or has only been flight. As soon as they showed up we ran, dodging trees and trudging through snow. We were lucky enough that we were able to get a portal away from them, but there is no telling how far behind they are now. 

We just need to get to Destiny. 

I don't like excuses and I certainly don't appreciate this little nagging game of tag. But there is only so much that can be done within the time frame that we have now set for ourselves. Fate is hot on our heels and now we are finally reaching some sort of end. One that I don't want to think about. 

I don't like hiding either. It's certainly one thing that I've been doing pretty ok as of recently. But with Ink not even in his own body, there is only so much that I can do to make sure that we don't get ourselves killed... or worse... in the hands of fate. 

"Well, don't thank me for getting our ass out of there before we could get caught." Chara said with a little more deadpan humor than I am used to. "I'm not used to piloting around a sack of literal bones." They make the motion of lifting their own hand up and down in front of me. 

"What are you used to then, huh?" I say, part snarky remark, part genuine curiosity. As that seemed to either shut them up or actually make them more introspective as they quickly shut their mouth. Chara's red eyes, resting in the windows of Ink's skull slightly glazed over. 

"Well, first off I'm used to being hella shorter." Their blunt statement got a laugh out of me. I really did not expect that kind of answer if I was being completely honest. "Oh yeah, not used to being, what 6 feet?" I kind of size myself up to them, head tilted trying to get a good look. But of course, with poor eyesight and old glasses, it's hard to get a good perspective. "Oh, definitely not."

A brief pause in conversation turns into a subtle halt. Just enough time to let doubt further weigh into my mind. I don't know how we're supposed to find Destiny. It has been years since I had last seen her. And I wasn't really fully aware of myself or the surroundings when we first met. How are we supposed to go to a seemingly unlocatable entity that hasn't been seen in centuries? The only way that we've been able to meet Destiny or Fate is because they were seeking us out first. 

What if she doesn't want to help? 

"I've been dead for a long time." 


Chara spoke out of the silence, something that I would have never guessed they would've admitted. But the way that they spoke made it sound like a confession. And it completely pulled me out of my train of thought. 

"I died a long time ago," Chara admitted eyes to the ground. "I'm not really used to this whole 'solving problems' thing either. I just thought I should let you know." This was the first time they actually sounded... I don't know... vulnerable? Open? Letting down their defensive humor and sarcasm to actually be truthful about some aspect of their past?

"I'm sorry." 

I push up my red-rimmed glasses, unsure of what to say in this kind of situation. It's not every day that you hear the random person that is possessing your friend admit that they've been dead for centuries while you're in an arbitrary forest being hunted by an abominable skeleton puppeteered by a semi-unknown supernatural force who is personified as a cranky ass bitch. 

So all I guess you say is 'sorry.'

"There's nothing to be sorry about." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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