Little House in the Woods

212 18 0

The Creator

The ash and soot coat my hands. The hands that are balled into fists down at my sides. I don't know why I am here, or how I got here. But there is nowhere else to go.

The smell of smoke is thick in the air.

Every time that I take a breath in, it feels as if I am taking in a handful of ash. It would be a surprise if it didn't take weeks to rid myself of the smell.

It would be a surprise if I am able to get myself out of here at all. Without any remembrance of how I got to the burning forest.  All that wandering has led me here. The suspiciously unburnt house that resides amidst ashen foliage shines like a beacon.

The wooden cabin is the only semblance of society. The only way to ask for answers. I lift my hand up, the shaking of my hand causing my face to be taught with worry. What is happening?

Three solid knocks announce my arrival.

And time is the only thing that awaits the door. I shuffle around, worrying whether or not I had rapped the wood loud enough or if those inside just choose not to open up to a stranger. But a different fear spikes inside me.

What if there is no one in there at all?

What if I am stuck here all alone? That everything in this ember wasteland is truly dead. The only thing left for me to do would be to try to use my powers to get out of here. Why haven't I tried that before? I don't really re....


A small voice speaks up from the silence. I look straight ahead, at empty air. Then down as a laugh follows the young voice. A little girl hides behind the slightly opened door with a smile. She wears a bright yellow sundress, her brunette hair in two matching braids.

A kid?

"Hi, I am Ink, the Creator. May I speak to your parents?" I ask, politely, trying to put more energy into my introduction than I feel at the moment. At the mention of parents, the child began to close the door, the smile downsizing.

Before she could fully close the door, I put my hand out, concern growing in my chest. "What's wrong?" I ask, trying to put my own needs aside. The little girl doesn't meet my gaze, and mumbles something to the ground.

"What did you say, I couldn't hear you." I know that this is my only lead on what this place could be, but I also don't want to leave a small child unsupervised in the middle of a burning forest. "I don't know." She says, her face scrunching up with distraught.

Okay, this is definitely not what I thought would be happening right now. "It's alright do you know where they went? When did they leave?" I ask, trying to come up with solutions. But all she does is shake her head, as if she didn't remember.

"Don't worry, I'll help you."

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