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"What do you mean that they're missing?!"

Fate storms into her office, holding a scalding hot cup of coffee in her hand, simultaneously steaming with rage. It has been hours since they had first started the...experiment. Everything was going smoothly.

Emphasis on was.

"I leave for 15 minutes, trusting that you would just make sure that they wouldn't wake up." Fate marches up, slamming the ceramic mug on the wooden desk. The liquid energy splatters onto the finish. It is a surprise that it hadn't shattered under the impact.

The flaming rage is met with unconquerable silence. "Where did they go? How did you let them escape?" The metal helmets lay strayed throughout the closed quarters. Cables are strewn in an unorganized mess on the floor.

There is no trace to where they could have gone, nor any explanation as to why.

Fate locks eyes with the soulless Sans, the person whom she had trusted. "Explain, now!" Fate screams. There is no doubt that her rage can be heard throughout the halls. But her loud expressions are unproductive because Soulless stayed silent.

"Did you let them go?" Fate asks, trying to aim the interrogation with a different approach. Soulless stays still as stone. She works her way around the chairs, noticing how there didn't appear to be any struggle in the escape. It was fast.

Fate takes a seat, every muscle in her body tense. "I need you to go find them." Fate thinks about all the reasons as to why they were captured in the first place. She needed them for the next step in her plan. She needed Ink's mental vulnerability, Error's powers, and Determination.

But of course nothing has ever gone smooth with the ancient deity.

Her own sister doesn't share her views and barely tolerates her plan. Destiny doesn't understand the need for expansion. The constant drive for creation. For once things stop growing, stop progressing...they die.

Fate refuses to loose.

"I need you to find Error and Ink, at any and all cost." Fate says aloud, not really to Soulless but to herself. How can this be done? It has been proven time and time again that one Sans can't be trusted to capture them and keep them contained.

She will need an army.

But who? How? Fate sits back in her seat, the chair creaking under the pressure. There isn't any time to waste, there isn't an expenditure of years to be wasted for this task. There also can't be the possibility of revolt.

It would be so much easier to manifest an army with Ink's powers. That way he could still have the ability to jump from universe to universe. But the chance of sabotage needs to be eradicated. Fate is sure that loyalty can be an easy fix. She opens her desk drawer for a pen and paper, ready to write out anything that comes to mind. But there are no ordinary office supplies in the room.

Just a blood red vial of Determination and a corrupted skeleton...

Almost enough materials to make a weapon that could rival Ink.

Fraction in Time and SpaceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ