Joe Who?

232 15 5

The Destroyer

I don't want to tell them.

Not that I don't have a plan. It's just not a fully flushed out one. There are still some, flaws to it I guess. But even if I had a fully detailed plan of attack, I wouldn't tell them.

It's not that I don't trust Chara. Oh wait, I don't.

We only made a deal out of desperation. A deal where the circumstances at play put our lives at risk. Ink's and mine.

I rest up against the base of the tree across from Chara. Just having the weight of standing taken off my bones feels undeniably fantastic. And I could only bet my untrusted ally to feel the same.

Not having met many deceased spirits, I can't really base Chara's chara-cter off of anything. Don't get me wrong, I have faced the human and taken several of their blood red souls, but I have never formally had the chance to meet the human's possessor.

To numb it down to simple terms, they are annoying.

Constantly pestering me with questions, not wanting to leave any time for thought. Chara is just trying to plow through every situation, letting their own sense of success be evaluated with what happens. Not what can happen or what we can try to happen.

Kinda like Ink, they want results.

For example right now, they are interrogating me on what our plan of action is next. They don't want to wait. The don't want to plan.

"Okay, then what's your plan?"

I can't right now.

"We need a plan to get to Destiny." I reluctantly admit. The snow on the ground begins to melt, the cold sinking into my bones. This tidbit of information should be enough for Chara to chew on. "What?" They ask, leaning forward a little, curiosity sparkling in Ink's eyes.

"Not what. Who."

The spirit stares at me, as I return a look that says, 'hey I am tired and I don't want to explain right now.' With a passing moment and a sigh, I realize I am going to have to divulge in more data. "I met her, uh, a while ago. She has the power to stop Fate."

Chara looks doubtful. As if they questioned my connections with a multidimensional being. "Okay, but like, who is Destiny." They ask. What in the underground do they mean by that? "How does she have that power or...?"

Ink's head shakes no. "Who are they to you? How do you know them? And why didn't this 'Destiny' come in and save our asses earlier?" Chara continues to spew questions faster than I can process. Their hands wave in the air, animating their speech.

I can feel myself start to glitch out, the achy in my body not helping. "Uh, well...she did say that she created me..." I grasp for any more information. Not wanting to make it sound like Destiny is an unreliable source. I wait for a response, not able to come up with anything more to say.

Chara takes a minute to process, their face blank with a touch of confusion. But after a moment they begin to laugh, a small chuckle, steadily escalating.

"What's so funny?" I quip, getting in the defensive, mainly due to my confusion. It takes a couple seconds for Chara to connect the dots. But then she stares at me dead in the eyes with another laugh. Silently taking in my bamboozled nature with the humor.

"Dude, she's your mom?"

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