Spaghetti is for Winners

198 14 9

The Creator

The only light coming into the house is the muted sunlight through the window curtains. "Hey kid, do you have a name?" Their brown hair bobs up at the attention. "hmm?" She asks, eyes wide. They take to the wooden seats at the table, Ink preparing to make introductions.

"I mean, I can't just keep calling you 'kid' and maybe that will help us find your parents." I say with a smile not only on my face, but in my eyes." The young girl has tightly woven braids, and dawns a bright sunflower yellow sundress. She taps a thoughtful finger to her chin, almost like she is playing with me.

Or at least I hope so. This is already a child who has told me that she doesn't remember having a family, or parents. One that is living by themselves in a cabin the middle of a charred forest. With no other homes or people in sight.

"Well, I am Ink." I say holding out a boney hand. The youngster takes my hand, their baby hands weak in the grasp. I go along with the shake, allowing her to go up and down almost a foot in distance. And once I laugh at such a dramatic exchange of pleasantries, she does too.

"My name is Dee Dee!" She says with vibrant enthusiasm. But even with the joy in the child's eyes, my hope wilts a little. The hope towards finding her rightful guardian is diminished. First, Dee Dee doesn't ring any bells, I definitely would remember such a name. And secondly a nickname won't get me any closer to finding those relating to the namesake.

But I don't want to push the kid, Dee Dee seems to be around 5ish. But of course I can't recall if I have ever met a human this young. I don't want to stress her out, being alone is traumatizing enough, and not remembering on top of that....

"Are you hungry? I can make something for the both of us." I suggest, getting up out of the seat. The cabin is cozy. Forest green curtains with golden embroidered flowers drape over the quarter paned glass windows. The material is same on the 3 person couch in the sitting room, adjacent to the kitchen table. In front of the couch is a cast iron wood burning fireplace.

It's quaint.

The oak table, well crafted, sitting 4 chairs, nestled behind the couch. Acting as a barrier between the kitchen and a hallway. The kitchen has a handful of cabinets, and a cooking stove, with only a few logs nearby. Everything seems to be field by wood. Which is pitifully ironic. The only thing that could possibly cook boiling water for the meal that I plan to make, is from the forest that is already burnt to a crisp.

But I will just have to make things work, make do with the things that we have here. Maybe tomorrow I will go out and try to see how far this fire has spread. Wow, I am already have plans for tomorrow. How long do I plan on staying here? When will I be able to leave?

I try to think back to before I have arrived, but a headache blossoms behind my eyes. I must be getting hungry then. "What would you like for me to make?" I ask Dee Dee, scoping around for food in the cabinets, already noticing the limited amount of groceries.


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