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The Ghost

"We need to keep going."

It has been 11 days.

11 days full of non-stop running and making temporary makeshift plans. Plans for what? Plans to dodge Fate's iron hold. She has been following us ever since Error and I had gotten out of the Void.

A task, that had taken much energy from me, and Ink's body.

"You need to take a break." Error points out, not leaving much room for negotiation. He sounds as tired as he is stubborn. And I know he can tell I feel worse than he does.

But that doesn't really matter right now.

"We don't have time to take a nap." I try to budge his solid statement. We had been traveling literally for days, barely outpacing Fate and her new 'soldiers'. Copies of the corrupted Sans from my universe. And not much can get under my skin, literally, but seeing how she just manipulates everyone in her control makes me sick.

"Yes, but Ink's body needs one."

I sigh in defeat, trying to keep it close to inaudible despite my obvious reluctance. This is how each day has gone so far. Travel during the night, hide during the shadows of the day. Error creating makeshift portals through the different...what does he call them? Oh yeah 'AUs.'

So far we have only done this to get away from Fate. We are still just hobbling along, wounded prey from a multidimensional being. Okay I have a headache now.


Error's glitchy voice sends a straightforward message. We are in the woods, making our way through a universe that Error swears that Fate won't think of checking. Not that I don't doubt him, I just don't think there is a place like that in existence.

I lean up against one of the many trees and slide down, slouching when hitting the classic sitting position. Sitting honestly is a luxury that we don't really have time for, but it sure does feel amazing.

Trekking through several universes really does tire out a corrupted spirit possessing an inter-dimensional skeleton's body.

"How long do you think we have before they catch up?" I ask quietly, unable to specify whether it is Fate or Sans. Error, taking a while to answer, just kinda shrugs. What the hell does that mean? "I can't say for sure how long, but we'd be lucky if we can make it before the loop starts."

Ah, that's right, the infamous time loop. We can't stay when the human falls, because then we risk messing with the routes? I don't really understand it, but Error kind of explained it to me. But you know Error doesn't explain much. He just kinda, does what he does. But then again he probably doesn't want to talk with a dead teenager possessing the body of his friend.

"But we can be here once the human starts the route?" I ask, trying to get some clarification. Error bobs his head from side to side in a way that says, 'eh sometimes.' Like that doesn't tell me anything.

"We just need to get out of Fate's line of attack and then make a plan."

"Why don't we make a plan now? Have any ideas?"

We are just going around in circles, not getting anything done. The only sound that fills the area is the wind. The 'night' sky dark of any artificial sunlight. I wait patiently, trying not to force an answer out for once. Our trust is shaky at best anyway. But this is ridiculous.

"You don't have any idea what we are doing do you?"

Error, having been resting up against the tree across from me, straightens up his posture and keeps his arms crossed in his lap. He stares at me for a few seconds, as I continue to wait for a response.

"I do."

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