"And you're dead" Harry spoke as he stopped the magic, the world around you fading away. "You need to pay attention to the entire world around you. And never leave your back open. You need to focus" Harry said. You nodded, of course. That was one of the main rules, always cover your back.

You thought about that scene again and again, wondering why you hadn't thought about it. You got killed in different scenarios again and again the rest of the week. Harry you could tell was starting to get impatient with you, but not as impatient as you were getting with yourself.

"Tomorrow has to be the day y/n" Harry informed you as you readied to leave.

"I know. I got it, I swear I have it" you nodded.

You arrived early the next day, having kissed Draco goodbye. He didn't have classes on the weekends, but you ahd training today. A solo training. Or that's what you were told.

"I think your issue if you know its all fake" Harry explained. "I have seen you fight, and you're good but you need reality. So today, all spells are real."

"Wait you're serious?" You knew now you could really be hurt, it made your heart race instantly.

"Yes." Harry nodded. "I can't have you untrained and coming out into battle"

You just nodded, of course.

The room got dark as it always did, but something was in fact different. Instead of the normal forest the scene you saw was that train station. The same one you had almost lost Draco in. You took a steadying breath, no room to be distracted now. You saw them, the death eaters standing in that same foreboding circle you remembered too deeply, except this time there were more of them. And they had wands.

One of them yelled, shooting a hot white fire in your direction. You threw a counter curse, casting the spell off into another direction. You stuck to the wall, being alone this time and not having Draco to cover your back made for a more dangerous situation. Do not let them sneak up on you. You reminded yourself.

It wasn't until you cut around a pillar that you saw something that made your skin turn cold. Draco was in that same place you had seen him that night, laying on the ground unmoving. You didn't realize how instantly it made your brain snap, and suddenly. This wasn't training, this was real.

You were waving your wand so quickly your words rarely followed it. You worked hard against the people running to you, throwing spells at you as they rushed around you. Your tunnel vision was on Draco, who was under the grasp of the same death eater you remember from that night. But instead of it just being him Pansy also stood over him. Her laugh stabbing at your soul.

You threw a spell toward them, Pansy sending it away with ease. You fought hard against the men around you. Your back still on the wall.

This was too real

Too real.

You felt yourself starting to panic, the adrenaline coursing through your veins making your eyes go fuzzy. You had to get to him. You had to.

You casted a spell hard toward the figure around you, sending a few of them flying away and into the walls of the train station. You were a loose cannon, sending any spell you could manage from you wand. Not knowing which one of the figures were real and which were fake only made it hard to know. You had just started getting close to Draco when you shot for someone who was all too real. In a panic they recoiled your spell, but instead of sending it away from them they sent it back to you, you were in the middle of another spell when it hit you. Your head smashed hard on the ground below you as you made impact, blacking out as your skull bounced on the marble flooring.

"HARRY YOU SAID I WOULD BE HELPING!" Draco screamed as the fake world faded away.

"I am so sorry I panicked. She was losing control" the woman who hit you spoke as she pulled away the mask from her face.

"SO YOU HIT HER?!" Draco was yelling now, pushing through the herd of other auror that had crowded around you. "Y/n, Please baby wake up" Draco shook your body as it lay limp in his arms. "You can't die. No no no no no" his voice was shaking, his heart pounding so hard he could barely hear the words the people spoke around him.

"Draco we need to get her to a hospital!" Harry yelled through the commotion.

"You'll be okay. It'll be okay" Draco wrapped his arms around your body, pulling your head on his chest. He whispered as blood stained through his clothes. "I love you"

Draco and Harry managed to get you to the closest hospital, the same one in fact that Draco had been doing his recent training at. Draco paced around the waiting room, because even though he was a clinical student here, they wouldn't let him back there for this. You had lost so much blood it had pooled on his skin and arms. He shook as he tried desperately to wipe it away in the sink in the bathroom. Draco heard a light knocking on the door, opening it to Ginny whose face was red like she had been crying but was trying her hardest not to do it now.

"We brought you something to change into, Harry said you needed it" She held some things to him. He nodded, looking down at her hands. It wasn't until he saw that very same shirt you have gotten him your first trip Mrs. Pots shop that he started crying. The tears rolling down hard on his face. Ginny pulled him to her, hugging him as he cried. He didn't stop her, instead he just sobbed into her shoulder.

"She has to be okay" he tried. "She has to"

It was the next morning when the doctor came out, meeting Draco, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Molly and Arthur in the waiting room.

"Are you the Malfoy family?" he asked.

"Yes" Draco nodded, standing from the seat he had been leaning hard into. Everyone stood, the doctor scanned all the faces.

"Is she okay?" Molly asked

"Can we see her?" Ron asked

"Is she awake?" Ginny asked then.

"Which one of you is Mr. Malfoy?" He asked, skimming the faces.

"Me" Draco spoke, his body shaking.

"She's alive" The doctor nodded once he recognized Draco, Draco couldn't blame him. They went through so many students here sometimes it was hard for them to keep track.

"Is she okay?" he asked, a sense of relief running over him. At least you were alive.

"Yes, Mr. Malofy" The Doctor nodded "They are just fine, just sleeping now"

"Wait." Draco shook his head. "They?"

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