"I think someday this will all go away, and we can all just be happy as have babies and wave them away as they ride their train to hogwarts"

"That would be the dream."

"I have been thinking a lot about what you said, about becoming an Auror"

"Have you?" He moved his eyes to you from the paper he had pulled to him. "What are you thinking?"

"I want to help Draco first... he never got around to taking his newts and I'd like to make sure he can at least go to school... but then I think maybe I would like to join"

"That's amazing to hear y/n, please just let me know when you're ready. And when it comes to Draco and his NEWTs, I am sure we can manage something with Minerva to get them done."

"He was struggling those final two years. So I think he needs to just start over with 6th and 7th year"

Harry laughed suddenly "maybe he can go back to Hogwarts, live like a student for two years"

"We thought about that actually" you joined in his laughter "but you know as well as I do that Draco doesn't have the patience for that"

"Old Draco maybe... but new Draco? Maybe"

"Yeah..." you nodded "either way... Neville still teaches there. So living there for two years is definitely not the beat idea"

"Yeah I guess I didn't think about" Harry stood. "I trust you two will figure it out. You always seem too" he left you sitting alone in the kitchen, staring out of the window.

"Yeah" you said out loud to yourself "I guess we always do"

You walked around the house, alone for a whole. Knowing Draco really just needed a second to gather his thoughts, and frankly so did you.

You paced around the halls, listening to the whispers of the other Auror who sat in the house.

"Y/n" you heard Ron say as you wanted back down the stairs.

"Hey Weasel- Bee"

He scoffed at the old nick name

"You know I never did ask your husband where he came up with that one. It used to bother me. Now I think it's kind of funny"

"He was a creative kid. I'm sure he had his reasons. I can ask him if you'd like"

"No.. I have a feeling the reasoning will kill the name for me" he laughed. "Come sit" he patted the place on the couch next to him. "Harry mentioned he thinks you should join the Auror"

"Did he now... I'm sure that was yesterday before I gave him my answer" you should have known Harry would be dead set in this idea.

"Yeah he did.... so you gave him your answer then?"

"I told him I needed a little time. But I think I could do it. I would like to feel like I can protect my family for once"

"That's why I joined. I wanted to make sure we didn't lose anyone else the way we lost Fred"

"I wish I had known you all better in school, I would have gotten to actually get to know him"

"He was something else. Sometimes I wonder what he would think about all of this. I could have sworn when I was younger I would play quidditch professionally like Ginny is"

"It's not your fault she's a better player than you are" you nudged his shoulder.

"Hey I was decent enough. I played nearly every year! You can barely fly"

"I never said I was any good" you reminded him. "I said Ginny was"

"So you forgive her then" Ron smiled. It was so like a big brother to worry about his sister's friendships.

"I do. I look forward to seeing her when we get home"

"She'll be happy. She's talked about you nonstop since all of it started."

"I feel silly now that I got so bad. I understand where she was coming from"

"You're allowed to be mad. I can't lie, I would have been mad if she invited one of my exes to my wedding. Friend or not. And no one I dated would have attacked Hermione"

"I wish I had brothers like Ginny does" you smiled at him. "Although I knew for a fact you annoy the absolute shit out of her majority of the time"

"Well it's a good thing you're in this family then hey?" He wrapped his arm around your shoulder "because now you do have all the brothers Ginny has"

"It's too bad I don't have the hair. Maybe if for right in"

"I'm going to call Hermione. I will see you later y/n" Ron stood, his sweet face smiling as he wandered away.

You wondered if maybe you should call Ginny also, just deciding since you'll be heading back tomorrow evening, it made more sense to talk to her in person.


"This is getting a little ridiculous" Draco spoke angrily when you found him sitting in the backyard. "Maybe I should have just killed Dumbledore like I was ask"

"You know as well as I do that's not the point" you scowled at him "they're looking for someone to blame and you're a convenient target. It's used to be Harry but now they're scared of him"

"Hmm... maybe we need to make them scared of me too"

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