"Did she say anything interesting?" Draco asked.

"Uhh nope" you felt bad lying to him, but telling Draco that for a short time his mother had been the ring leader of the second wave of death eaters wasn't something you really wanted to talk about.

"You're a terrible liar" he smiled softly at you, damn this man knew you all too well. You sighed, having to admit defeat.

"She said your mother was their leader" you watched him as you spoke, his face didn't change. He seemed unmoved by those words.

"I could have guessed" he had to admit it was true, while he didn't remember much he knew they were part of it all. "She must have never mentioned she saved Harry that day"

Harry wrote about most things in his book, Draco and Snape's redemptions. One he left out was the night Narcissa allowed him to live. He said said it was a choice seeing as she had gone rouge again, but he did tell you both the story.

"It had to have been selfish.." Draco insisted that night. "Why would she lie to save me?" Harry asked. This was all before Draco had asked you to forget them for him.

"Maybe something in her did love you Draco" you rested your hand in his.

"Or she knew that the name dies with me"

Life had changed so much since those days, back when he hated himself for everything he couldn't have done.

"You know y/n" Harry spoke as you all left that evening. The most he had gotten was from your mother, her confession of Goyle being the leader and there being more run away death eaters had given them enough cause to keep them until they could get what they needed to question the rest. "You sound look into being an Auror... you have the temper for it" you tried not to laugh at his words. If temper for it meant you left your palms bloody instead of killing people.

"I think you're daft Potter" you nudged him.

"No in serious. You should seriously think about it. You're more than proficient in fighting. And I happen to know for a fact you aced your N.E.W.T's"

After the battle you all were given a chance to take them, they felt it was the least they could offer you. Since you all put your lives on the line like that.

"I was going to go back to school..." you looked at Draco, who looked like he was thinking deeply.

"For?" Harry asked.

"I wanted to work in child magic affairs" it was a new part of the ministry. After the life Draco and Harry had live through the ministry made a portion of their ranks to make sure magical children were safe. Like CPS for magical children, so they wouldn't end up in muggle foster care systems or soldiers like Draco and Harry.

"Just give it some thought." Harry suggested.

"The N.E.W.Ts" Draco shook his head that night in bed. "I never took mine... no wonder we havent heard anything from the college"

"Oh..." you sat with him. "You could always.."

"Take them?" He tried not to laugh. "It's been so long since I have even looked at a charms book"

"I could tutor you" you shrugged. He laughed a little at your words. "I'm sure McGonnagal would let you take them"

"You think so?"

"I mean... it's not like it was your choice" that always seemed to be the fact stated. Nothing back then was really his choice.

He rested his head on your shoulder. "I just want to help people"

"I know love.. I know"

"I think you should do it" he spoke from your shoulder.

"Do what?"

"Become an Auror"

"With our luck?" You giggled

"Our luck has kept up alive. We have been through a lot more than most people... yet here we are"

"I promised I wasn't going to be away from your side. How am I going to do that if I'm an Auror?"

"You can't protect me forever. I'm a grown man" he laughed a little. You had to admit it was a little silly how protective you felt of him. Though your history made for a decent enough case.

"Well if people would stop trying to kill you, maybe I could feel safer" you rolled your eyes at the idea, most couples didn't have to deal with any of this. Then again you weren't most couples.

"Well if you're an Auror then I am definitely going to be more than safe" he kissed your shoulder softly.

"You really think I could do it?"

"I think you'd be the best. Maybe even beating out Harry for chief" you could see the smile on his face without even looking at him.

"Me? Replace the boy who lived? Now I know you're absolutely insane"

"You'd at least give him a run for his money"

You just shook your head at him, laughing softly. He thought so much more of you some days than you thought of yourself.

"We will get you in school" you changed the subject back to something you much more comfortable talking about. Him. "We can go to Diagon alley and get textbooks for 6th and 7th years. Since those were the rough years for you"

"So you're really going to teach me everything I may have missed?" You felt his eyes in your face, you turned to meet his gaze.

"Of course I will. I'll be your teacher" you gave him a cheeky grin.

"If the teachers at Hogwarts looked like you maybe I would have payed attention more" he whispered, kissing your shoulder again.

"If I had been your teacher you would have hated me. I wouldn't have dealt with your nonsense like they did"

"Would you have given me detention?" He asked, biting his lip. You shook your head at him, just laughing at him. "Made me write lines or maybe I could have earned my good grades a different way" he ran his fingers over your arm.

"You assume I would have let you" you watched his hands on your skin, your heart skipping beats.

"You can't tell me thinking about sneaking around like that doesn't sound...." he stopped talking, his mouth making contact with your neck.

"Illegal?" You laughed loudly. "You forget what the hypothetical was"

"Oh no. I remember. But I also keep thinking about you bent over one of those desks" he nibbled at your skin then.

You leaned your head aside, allowing for him to kiss higher on your skin "50 points to Slytherin"

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