You turned when suddenly you saw Hagrid again, standing on the stage along with you.

"Ladies and gentlemen" he started "we are gathered here, to witness the union of these two magnificent people" you felt your heart beating hard at his words. Draco had promised you someone amazing would be marrying you. How had Hagrid never popped into your head?

"You two more than anyone I know deserve the happiness you give one another, I haven't seen y/n smile so much since... well anyway" he caught your face as your fathers name nearly left his lips. Knowing that even the mention of him would send you absolutely over the edge.

"I wonder if I've ever seen two people more in love than what I see right before me" you smiled at Draco, who watched Hagrid intently, his hand holding you close to him.

"You two had some things written?" Hagrid asked, looking at you. You nodded, reading into a small seem Molly had sewn into your dress to hide the small folded parchment. If you had to listen to him first, you knew you wouldn't be able to say anything. So you took the first leap.

"Draco," his name sat on your tongue like velvet "I have loved you, for what feels like a million years. Day in and day out I find myself falling even harder for you, the phrase head over heels never made sense to me before you. You have saved my life so many times, and even with all the threats and near death experience we have gone through, I can't imagine my life in any other way. You're the sun, the moon, and all the stars to me. Eternity will never be long enough... if brave a thousand more monsters if it meant standing here by you side for the rest of forever. I love you Draco Malfoy, for now and for forever. Endlessly " Your hands were shaking as you read the words, it had taken you months to write even that. Every time you'd sat down to write, nothing felt good enough.

He smiled as you looked back up at him, he resisted every urge to just hold you but it was his turn. He took in a deep breath.

"Every time I went to write something down, it didn't feel right. So I figured I would just come up here and the words would come to me. Like everything else in our lives I kind of hoped the universe would guide me to the perfect thing to say, I mean it's gotten us this far." He laughed a little "I think back on my first memory of you, the silly, far too kind to be a Slytherin, Slytherin girl laughing in the grand hall. I had no idea when I watched her then that she would be the one standing here before me, then I remember that night. The one where you saved me, someone so many people had let go. You gave me your all even that night, I have told you things I never even admitted to myself. You have brought me back from the edge of the end and into a life I never would have imagined myself having. I never thought I deserved happiness before you. No one on this earth can compare to you, while I may not have written much I did write one thing" he pulled a tightly folded paper from his jacket pocket, the paper unfolding some of the only noise in the room "endless"

You turned your paper to him, one word larger than the others set in ink on the page. Endless.

You heard a loud sniffle from beside you, Hagrid lifted his sleeve and wiped away tears.

"Repeat after me Draco" Hagrid spoke through shuddered breath. "I Draco L Malfoy"

"I Draco L Malfoy" Draco smiled at you.

"Take you, y/n y/l/n"

"Take you y/n"

"To have an to hold"

"In sickness and in health" he continued, no longer repeating.

"Through good and bad" you smiled at him. Unable to stop the welds.

"Richer or poor" he lifted his hand to your cheek.

"Too love and to cherish" you let your hand rest on his.

"Till death, and even after"

"This I solemnly vow"

"Endlessly." "Endlessly"

You final words meshed together in perfect harmony, like a song for the ages.

"And these words you promise to hold onto forever?" Hagrid spoke to you both.

"I do" the words sat so perfectly on his tongue.

"I do" you couldn't help but whisper.

"The rings" Hagrid asked. They were handed to Draco from Harry, whose eyes were glossed over a little with tears. You smiled at him, and the rest of the guys who all seemed to be tearing up now.

"With this ring I thee wed" Hagrid instructed.

"With this ring... I thee wed" Draco slipped your ring back into your finger, where it absolutely belonged.

"With this ring... I thee wed" you returned his to its home on his hand. Holding his fingers in yours.

"But the powers vested in me, but the ministry of magic and by Merlin I now pronounce you, husband and wife!" Hagrid's voice boomed "you may kiss your bride!"

Draco pulled you without hesitation, his lips meeting yours in such a perfectly soft way. The taste of him devolving everything else. In this moment there were only you two, destined. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, wanting to linger right here in his touch forever. Only the roaring of the crowd snapped you back to earth. People standing and clapping, it seemed like a tsunami of noise. People held handkerchiefs to their eyes. Rounds of sniffles met the applause.

"I love you" Draco whispered, pulling you back to him. Your eyes held to his, like they were melted together.

"And I love you"



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