"Entirely?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"That's what he wants... I am trying to find a way to let him keep some of the good memories.." you let your eye wander to him, he was speaking animated with his hands waving through the air gently.

"If there are any" Minerva seemed to be able to read your mind.

"There has to be something. They couldn't have always been evil" how could someone really just be nothing more?

"Look what they did to him... would you want to keep them?" You looked back to her now, her face was gentle with age. Softer somehow than you really remember.

"No... I wouldn't"

You sat at the dinner table for a long time. You had been asleep since late late last night so you hadn't eaten much in the last 24 hours. Draco smiled every time you put something new onto your plate.

You were munching on a handful of grapes when Neville walked in, his eyes widening when he saw you.

"What did you do?!" He ran up to the table, not looking at you. But at Draco.

"Professor Longbottom!" Minerva tried to interject.

"No Minerva! Look at her face! What did you do you evil bastard?" Neville pulled out his wand. Pointing it at Draco who didn't know what to say. Because he had done it, in a way.

"Stop it" you stood, pushing your chair back. "Neville stop" his eyes snapped to you.

"Don't make excuses so for him y/n! You look like someone tried to kill you!" Neville walked closer to Draco. Who still sat. "Is that what you do you sick fuck? You beat women? Why am I not surprised? Of course you would! Once a death eater always a death eater!"

"Put your wand down" you were standing by Neville now, your wand pointing to his head.

"You would hurt me. For him?" Neville seemed shocked.

"I would kill for him" you stood strong, your body doing everything it could to stand strong even though it felt weak.

"You stupid thing..." you heard his whisper.

Every eye in the room watched you, students and teachers alike.

"I don't think this is an appropriate conversation to have in the hall" Minerva stood now too. "Please leave" she gestured to you all. None of you moved, you wouldn't lower your wand from Neville until he lowered his from Draco. "GO!" She yelled finally, causing the three of you to look at her. Your wands falling then.

The three of you walked into the hallway quietly, thoroughly embarrassed. You found your way to the closest courtyard, the sun still dimly lit the ground you walked on.

"Tell me he didn't do it" Neville turned to you quickly.

"I did do it" Draco answered, Nevilles eyes shot to him.

"But he didn't mean to." You added quickly.

"How do accidentally give someone two massive black eyes?!" Neville was yelling again, you wondered if he'd ever yelled this much in his life.

"He caught my nose with the back of his head. It was an accident" you crossed your arms. But held tight to your wand, just in case. Draco hadn't even taken his out.

"Oh I'm sure it was" Neville mocked.

"Watch your mouth, Longbottom" Draco sneared. He could tolerate a lot, but him mocking you was not one of them.

"You're think I'm an idiot.." Neville was nearly silent.

"I think you're stubborn. You think he's some monster because of what he used to be, you let your supposed love for me cloud your judgement. You don't fucking know me" you felt pain well in your tongue. "Not anymore"

"You're right I don't." He turned to look only at you "the y/n I knew, would never let someone hurt her like that. And stick around" you caught him off guard when you started laughing, both of them actually. You probably seemed mad.

"You think you know what's going on?! You think somehow you know what we have gone through together?! What we are?!" You could barley breath over your laughing. "You are an idiot than"

"Your father would be so disappointed" he spoke, his words cutting into you. You lifted your wand, pointing it to him again.

"You don't get to talk about him" your body shook "YOU NEVER GET TO SPEAK ABOUT HIM! YOU DON'T EVEN GET TO THINK ABOUT HIM!"

"Y/n" Draco tried to calm you, touching your shoulder.

"No Draco, don't" you pulled away, your wand unmoving.

"You don't get to sit here and pretend like you knew him. That you somehow knew what he would think. You left long before you ever knew him" you were yelling anymore, instead you felt an eerie calmness. "I told him about you you know." You stepped forward.

"I told him about the boy who said he loved me once, and broke my heart when he walked away. And you know what he told me Neville Longbottom? He told me someday I would find someone better. And he was right. I did" the last words flowed through your teeth. Hitting harder than any spell. While they would still lay open from your words, you added the salt. "I hate you... Neville Longbottom. I always have"

"You don't mean that" he said, defeated.

"I do. You left me alone. When I was so lost in the world. I know now that feeling you left with me... hate." You lowered your wand. "I hate you. I fucking hate you"

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