Make them go away...

Începe de la început

" Petrificus Totalus" you spoke softly, waving your wand. Just missing another thing from the shelf Draco had thrown. Draco seemed to freeze, crumbling to the ground.

"Move him" Dumbledore said. You were able to move him with the Leviosa spell, hard not but impossible with his weight. Setting him softly on the chair.

"Tie him" Dumbledore instructed. You grabbed a long braided rope from the curtains on the wall. Wrapping him tightly to the chair. Just as you finished your knot he snapped back, you wondered which Draco he would be.

"Let me go!" He started thrashing harshly.

"We need you to listen Mr. Malfoy!" Dumbledore voice boomed, you stood then trying to see if you could do anything. Draco's head shot back, crashing into your face. You heard a loud crack and a hot white pain, then blood pouring down your lips. You pulled your sleeve to your face stopping the bleeding.

"Let. Me. Go" he kept thrashing, not even noticing what he had done. You panicked, letting go of your nose and wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he threatened to get lose from the knots.

"Get off me you filthy mudblood!" He screamed. Trying hard to throw you off. But you held firm, you'd wand tight in your grasp.

"I need you to stupify him" Dumbledore instructed. Thinking of no other way to deescalate the situation.

"But Dumbledore" you coughed, blood running still.

"You have to wake him up now" Dumbledore insisted.

You let go of his arms, walking around to face him. Blood from your nose completely covering your shirt.

"Listen to me Draco Malfoy!" You yelled, he stopped dead watching you. "Close your fucking eyes before I make you!"

He clasped his eyes shut suddenly. His breathing nervous now.

"Now what?" You asked Dumbledore.

"Well clearly he isn't going to listen. So I am going to need you to force pull if you can"

"Isn't that dangerous?" You asked

"Yes" he answered, short and simple. You watched Draco for a long moment. His eyes clasped so hard shut he was starting to see stars.

"How?" You finally asked.

"Use your wand, press it to his temple." You did as instructed. "Call for the first memory."

"Draco. Listen to me. Unless you want to lose something important I beg of you please try and think of that dream. The one you can't make the real you remember. Please" you watched as a tear fell, rolling down his cheek and dropping onto his shirt.

You pressed the wand to his head, not knowing at all what was needed. Just begging, pulling for a memory. Just give me the one I need please. You watched as a white light pulled from his skin, clinging to the wood of your wand. Your heart was racing so hard you could only hear that in your eardrums.

"Put it in there," Dumbledore pointed to the cabinet full of small vials, which infront sat a shallow bowl of water, or what looked like water. You set the white light inside, watching as the water ignited.

"You can look at the memory" Dumbledore watched closely. You let your face fall into the liquid, it felt almost fuzzy, like that stage between asleep and awake. You saw it then, a long black table surrounded by people in cloaks.

"Yes Mr. Malfoy, you will kill Headmaster Albus Dumbledore." You heard The Dark Lord speak, the vision turning to the figure. It felt like you were looking at the Dark lord first hand, through your own eyes. You felt a terror that you had never felt before, a sadness and anger. You watched as the world around became a little dizzy, you saw yourself standing in a mirror, except it wasn't you. It was Draco looking at himself. Shaking, holding into the sides of the mirror to brace himself. An illness rolling over you seeing the anguish in his eyes, a child set for murder.

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