"No... I don't want to push anything." You had to admit there had been times when you almost said it. When you were entwined with one another. When he would brush the baby hairs from your skin. Or when he'd bring you tea in bed in the morning.

"You should tell him" Hermione added. "I can almost guarantee he feels the same way" you scoffed. Could he ever really? He had told you a couple of times that he was afraid he could never love someone because he wasn't sure he knew how.

"He's... broken. The people in his life that were supposed to love him more than anything used him. Putting his life on the line again and again. I don't know if he knows he can love. In Fact, I know he worries he can't" you bit your cheek.

"Well, I think he definitely can" Ginny looked at Hermione, then to you. "You somehow managed to get Draco Malfoy to apologize to Harry Potter. Harry Potter of all people! I never thought I'd see the day, but I did. It happened right in front of me. And some days I still can't believe it."

"He even started being nice to house-elves. How you managed that I can never figure out." Hermione finished her drink.

"He's not a bad guy, honestly he's not. He was just so used to acting a certain way that it took him over. We both actually voted on Harry's bill. The Dobby Act. He told me about Dobby, he said he wishes he could have changed things. He wished that was someone he could apologize to also." You droned on, these things Draco did and the things he said to you just proved to you again and again that he was so good.

"That's... honestly one of the better things I have heard. I will definitely have to tell Harry" Ginny was awestruck.

"I have even gotten him liking some muggle things" you were really proud of yourself for that one. That was something Draco was really having a hard time working through. "He even tried getting a muggle job once." Hermione and Ginnys jaws dropped then.

"That's actually impossible to believe. THE Draco Malfoy, not only liking muggle things. But willing to WORK with them?" Ginny responded.

"I don't think he really wanted to, but he felt bad I was paying for everything. They didn't hire him of course. No one wants to hire someone our ages with nothing we can put on our resumes that isn't magical" you explained

"You know I never thought about that... but it does make sense" Hermione pondered the idea.


You all called it a night with a few drinks set away.

"You must tell Draco we're sorry to hear about his parents," Hermione said, dropping you off at home.

"So you'd like me to lie to him?" You leaned back into the car, Hermione shrugged. You all laughed.

"Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it" you smiled. It was weird how without the titles of houses who could be friends.

"We will see you next week at Hogwarts, right? Formal dress of course." Ginny winked.

"You will definitely see us" you walked back up the house. Your head is a little buzzed. Opening the door it was dark. You kicked off your heels, your feet were killing you. You slowly walked up the stairs, Draco may be asleep by now.

You opened the bedroom door slowly. The room was lit with candles. You walked in, what the heck was going on. As you walked in you saw Draco leaning on the bathroom door frame in a black plush robe, that was new. He was breathtaking, his hair was messy and he raised an eyebrow at you.

"I thought you might never come home" he joked, his voice low and gravely.

"I was... uh" you couldn't speak, the robe was open just enough that you could see his bare chest. He managed to take your breath away every single time.

"Join me in here" he gestured to the bathroom "I've drawn us a bath" your heart skipped. You had a massive, claw foot bathtub that sat in the corner of your bathroom. You hadn't been able to use it much, but you wished you could. He turned, walking into the bathroom. You had to act fast. You hustled over to your vanity. Checking your hair, where a black robe met you. The same as his but in your size. He truly was extravagant. You stripped your clothes, rolling the ribs fabric over your skin. It felt like a cloud. You took a deep breath, why were you nervous. You had been with Draco a handful of times now. But you had to admit he still took your breath away.

You walked to the bathroom slowly, stopping in the doorway. He was facing away from you, his tall frame loomed in the partial darkness. The room was covered in candles, they littered every surface he could set them on. The bath had steam rolling off of it. You walked up to Draco, setting your hand on his shoulder. He turned, his eyes meeting yours. He leaned in close, kissing you. His motions were deep, passionate. His hands gripped at the tie of the robe you wore.

With one swift tug, the robe fell to the ground around your feet. He stared at you for a moment, his eyes consuming all of you. He started by kissing on your neck. His actions were heavy, his kissing clung to your skin as if they let go you'd disappear. But you didn't disappear. No, you stood before him. Your skin glowing by candlelight, goosebumps ripping through your skin. He pulled you then, to the bath. Where he stripped his robe, stepping into the tub he sank. You followed him, your eyes locked in his. How could you be sure you weren't dreaming? This felt like dreaming.

He sat down, the bubbles swirling around you both. You faced him, each leg on either side of him. The water was hot, the perfect temperature. It smelt of sweet mint and lavender. He really pulled out all the stops. You kissed each other, lips working in their own perfect rhythms. His fingers dug into your hips, he needed you. More than anything he needed you.

Before long you were riding him slowly, he filled you as perfectly as he always did. He leaned back onto the tub, the back reclined ever so slightly. You used your hands as leverage on the back of the tub. Helping you to move rhythmically in the water. His head went back as he moaned, he could never get used to his good you felt. His fingers still cling to your hips, you felt an intriguing and thrilling sense of control. You were doing this to him, you were the one making all these gasping moans escape him.

"Y/n," he groaned. "Fuck you feel so good". Your heart was racing, his hand had found its way to your clit and he was rubbing it perfectly. He could read your body like a book. And fuck did he know how to read it. You felt your body start to tighten. You still moved, your hips grinding on his. His moans matching yours as you just devoured one another. You were getting so close, your body was a rolling fire. The heat was about to take over you. You rolled your hips deeper as you came, you moaned his name. He bit down on your neck, grabbing your hips now a little more aggressively he started moving. Taking control he pulled you off of him, turning you to face the back of the tub. You held tight, he pushed back into you. The water show rushing around you as he thrust. Placing his hand on your shoulder he drove into you hard and fast.

"Oh Draco" you moaned, gripping the tub tightly.

"Fuckk" he groaned. Finishing deep inside you, his breathing was harsh.


You both sat together in the tub, your back leaning against his chest. One real perk of magic was water never ran cold and bubbles never disappeared.

"I could stay here with you forever and die happy" he whispered into your neck. Your hair pulled into a messy bun on the top of your head

"Me too, this is more than I ever could have hoped for" you closed your eyes. Taking the heat of the water, and the feeling of his skin in yours. Paradise.

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