𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

Beginne am Anfang

"Y/n, can you love me as you did in childhood?" I feel how his tear rolls down my back.

"And you Taehyung, can you be good to me? I don't want to live with your criminal side"

"I promise you, I will always treat you gently and you will not notice my criminal side, y/n. Now promise me you won't leave me again" Taehyung is still hugging me. I like it. I feel safe.

"It is you Taehyung who have left me, not me, you went to live somewhere else" I never left him. Taehyung left me and my brother.

He then broke our hug and put his hands on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, it will never happen again. I love you y/n" I watched a tear roll down Taehyung's cheek and then onto his lips. Then, before I could understand what was happening, Taehyung kissed me. I kissed him back. His lips brushed mine, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that I could inhale his breath, I feel the warmth of his skin. This is probably the first time I feel good when Taehyung kisses me. Maybe it's because I finally know who he is. Or is it because my feelings are returning to this person?
Yoongi's pov
"Hoseok, you are my closest friend. I want to tell somebody something that doesn't give me peace. I recently found out that not all of my family is dead" I trust him the most. Hoseok is the one here who is always beside me and listens to me.

"What do you mean? Is that why you invited me to come here?" I invited him to come to the yard, because Hana is in my room.

"Yes, a few days ago my uncle told me that my sister is alive. Min y/n is alive!" I'm glad my sister is alive and healthy. At least for now.

"What? Did I hear it well? Your sister is alive? Where is she now?" Hoseok looks at me shoked.

"She is here" he looks around and then turns to me again.

"You're probably kidding, right? How can she be here? Is she a mafia like your whole family and you? Oh my god... your sister's name is the same as Taehyung's kidnapped girl's" finally Hoseok starts to understand what I'm telling him.

"Do you now understand what I want to tell you?" I ask him. We talk quietly, because I don't want anyone to hear it. This house is full of secrets.

"Oh ghost! Y/n and Min y/n are the same person? I can't believe it. So you want to tell me that Taehyung kidnapped your sister? Or is it her mission to pretend to be a victim?" he asks so much. I'm about to have a headache.

"Y/n's kidnapped. I don't know why he kidnapped her. Maybe Taehyung knows who I am? I have to save her from here. I need your help, Hoseok. Can you help me kidnap my sister from here?" yes I'm planning a kidnapping, but before that I have to tell her the truth. I will tell you the whole truth about our family and Taehyung, y/n.

"You want to kidnap your sister? Does she know that you're her brother?" I see Hoseok has a lot of questions. I understand him.

"She doesn't know that, but I will tell her that very soon"

"I will help you, but please don't take revenge on Taehyung. I don't want my friends to be enemies. After all, it wasn't Taehyung who killed your parents, it's his father's job. You must take revenge on his father if you want to have a good revenge. Just don't do something for Taehyung and his sister. You love Hana, right?" isn't it Taehyung's entire family's fault? If my father was a mafia boss then why did my innocent mom died? Did she do something bad to die? She was innocent just like Hana. I don't want to hurt Hana, I won't do anything to her.

"Yes, I love Hana. She is the love of my life. I fell in love with her when I didn't know she was Taehyung's sister. I don't want to hurt her. I just want revenge for my father's death"

"Okay, so what is your plan? How do you plan a kidnapping?" and that's when I told Hoseok my whole plan...
Unknown place, an unknown person's pov
"You are the only one in that house from my gang. You must kidnap Kim Hana and Min y/n and bring them to me. I have a new plan" I told my spy who is in Taehyung's house.

"Do I have to do it fast?"

"Become close to Hana and y/n and gain their trust, and then do what I said earlier"

"When I kidnap them, you have to do what you promised me. I don't want to be your slave for all my life..." this guy wants too much.

"I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow"
After five days
Taehyung's pov
Me and y/n got closer. It's good for me to know that this girl is the same girl I knew in childhood. She's so cute. I feel completely different when y/n's around. I forget all the difficulties and problems when she is near me. Y/n is like an angel.

We started spending time together more often. I let her go out with Hana to the city yesterday. I trust her. I hope she trusts me too.

"Taehyung" y/n came into our room.


"Can we watch the sunset together? I want to go outside with you. Today is nice weather" she comes to me and puts her arms around my neck. I'm standing next to the window.

"Of course we can, sweetie" I kiss her forehead, she smiles.

Tomorrow will be y/n's birthday. I want to surprise her, so I'm preparing surprise for her. I think she will like it.

"I saw everyone is in the living room and they are spending time together. Don't you want to go there?" y/n asks me and grabs her hands from me.

"Okay, we can go there" I reply.
We are already in the living room. Here are almost everyone, only there is no Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook. Where are they?

"Ohh Taehyung and y/n came here!" Hana exclaimed.

"Where is Jungkook?" y/n asked Hana's. Why does she care about him?

"Jungkook is in the kitchen, he bakes cookies" Jimin replied. Did he become a chef?

"I'm going to help him" y/n said.

Didn't she just suggest that I would spend time together with her and now she is going to spend time with another guy?

"No, you will not help him" I said with a serious voice.

"Are you jealous that me and Jungkook are good friends?" y/n raised an eyebrow and quickly went to the kitchen. She really annoys me sometimes. She doesn't listen to me.

I also walk to the kitchen. I can't let my girlfriend spend time with another guy.

"I came to help you" y/n said to Jungkook and came closer to him.

"Oh okay, can you give me a plate off the shelf?" Jungkook asks.

"Sure!" y/n grabs a chair and places it next to the shelf. She is short so she doesn't reach the shelf.

Y/n stands up on the chair and stretches out her hands towards the shelf.

Suddenly her one leg accidentally slips and she starts to fall.

I already wanted to run to catch her, but Jungkook did it faster.

They both fell to the ground, she fell on Jungkook.

Do I see how my girlfriend and Jungkook is lying together?

"What's going on here?" I enter the kitchen.

Y/n stands up quickly.

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