Chapter 19: Time Is Of The Essence

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"Looks like I have missed one last person. That must of come here to stop me." Gaea Everfree turned around and saw Sunset Shimmer and Spike near her.

"Oh no." Sunset said. " She saw us! I don't have time for this now!" She backed away from Gaea.

Gaea giggled. "Yeah, right." She said. "Like, I'm letting you two go. I don't know who you both are. And, why you specifically have some sort of magic-look on you? Or, what your names are, or what you are doing here? I don't care to ask questions right now."

She smiled evilly. "I'm here to destroy anybody that comes in my way!" She snapped her fingers on her right hand, that summoned a pair of familiar wooden devilish-looking creatures. "BARK! BARK!"

"Is that what I think it is?" Sunset's eyes dropped down, as she suddenly felt nervous.

"Oh no! Not again! Timberwolves!" Spike shouted, seeing them appear in front of them. "RUN!" He told Sunset to, as she carried him with her hands.

She ran across the grounds of the grassy forest, as she heard the barks of the timberwolves follow her. She decided that it was the best that she should go to the crystal cave.

She sprinted and made it. She put Spike down on the ground. "Great. We are finally here."

Just when she thought everything was going good, the timberwolves ran into the cave. They were barking so loudly, and the look in their eyes sparked a fiery passion for hunger.

"This isn't good." Spike the dog said. He jumped on top of the table. "Sunset! Quick! Hurry! Go to the map!"

Sunset followed Spike's instructions. She quickly ran to the map that was on top of the crystal-like table. The magic activated in time, sending them into a different timeline again.

The timeline that they landed in, was during the concert in the Battle of the Bands. It showed The Dazzlings singing very loudly on stage. On the other side, it showed the Main Six with Past-Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight Sparkle.

The Dazzlings' eyes were flashing a bright red color. "Ah, ah. Ah, ah." They continued to sing louder, which summoned their siren-spirit forms that magically appeared above them.

Their siren spirits flew towards the Main Six's area. The Main Six blasted their music and singing back at them. Princess Twilight held the microphone and sang louder.

However, it didn't work out since the sirens canceled it out by singing even louder, shooting back many red magic beams back at them. The large force of the Sirens' singing was so strong, that the gravity of it pushed Twilight back, and made her drop her microphone.

Future-Sunset Shimmer was up in the sky with Spike, they both looked down below and saw that the Main Six all stopped playing their music and stopped singing. Twilight dropped down on her knees in defeat, seeing that the Dazzlings outmatched them with their magic skills. "Oh no." She looked very worried. "What do we do? They are stronger than us, with their magic. Our singing about friendship, is no match for them." She started crying. "I don't know what to do. This has never happened to me, before. I failed. We all failed."

Applejack and the rest of the friend group looked very concerned for Twilight, and felt sympathy for her too.

Future Sunset Shimmer saw that they all looked sad. She felt sad, seeing Princess Twilight had given up. She looked to Spike, next to her. He nodded to her, as a signal for them to go into the time travel hole again. And so, they did.

They landed in the time, during the Fall Formal. She-demon Shimmer was shown to be destroying stuff with her evil magic. And turned the Main Five, into mindless zombie-like people, leaving Princess Twilight and past-Spike to both run away. They were basically the only 2 remaining survivors left in this type of zombie apocalypse. They both hid at the side of the Canterlot High building outside, against a wall. "Come on, Twilight. I know where you are hiding. Just do this the easy way and give up, already!" She shouted in anger.

Future-Sunset and Spike both looked at each other and both decided with their silence of approval, that it was time to go to another time period.
The next timeline that they appeared in, was during the Friendship Games. They saw that Midnight Sparkle was going insane with her magic powers. She was flying above Ponyville. There were a bunch of different dimensional portals that she opened from left to right all over the sky, that showed different animated scenes of stuff going on.

Below, the ponies of Ponyville were terrified for their lives. Some of them were hiding. But most of them were running away in all sorts of directions. Midnight was using her power to destroy buildings too. The ones that she shot with her dark magic powers, had all collapsed down onto the ground.

She was laughing like an evil psychotic person. "There's more where that came from! I am not finished with my evil rampage yet!" She said, having purple energy-like balls in her right and left hand.

"What in Equestria, is going on here? Why is everypony panicking? What is causing all this magical chaos?" Princess Twilight Sparkle the alicorn was flying up, to see what was happening. She then gasped in shock, with her jaw dropped open. "Who are you? And, why are you trying to destroy my home Equestria?" She had a look of fear in her eyes.

"I'm Midnight Sparkle. And, I don't care what's going on. I am going to take over this world as well, even the one that I came from."

"What? Midnight Sparkle? You have Sparkle, in your name like my name, Twilight Sparkle? And, you kinda look familiar to me for some reason, that I can't place my hoof on. Who are you?"

"My original name was Twilight Sparkle." Midnight said. "At least, it's not important because that was my old name, before I turned into this Midnight Sparkle."

Pony-Twilight gasped. "WHAT!?" She shouted. "You have the same name as me? You don't mean, that you might be the other version of me, from that other world, that isn't filled with ponies? Right? Are you?"

"Yes. I am the other YOU." Midnight said. "From that other world with humans."

Princess Twilight was in so much shock, that it was hard for her to process all this information, because she didn't want it to be true. She felt like she was to blame for this chaos, even though she didn't know what happened in the human world while she was gone.

And this was the human-her of that world, so she still felt somewhat responsible for all this. Also, it was part of her formal duty as princess, to protect her people--to protect her ponykind.

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