Chapter 24: You Are A Shooting Star!

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"It sure is a pleasure to have a new student here, move to Canterlot High," Principal Celestia said, to Starlight Glimmer. They were both walking in the hallway.

"Why, thank you." Starlight said. "Principal Celestia."

"Pardon me, what was your name again?"

"It's Starlight Glimmer."

"Tell me? What was your previous educational backgrounds? If, I may ask?"

"Educational backgrounds?"

"I mean, where did you come from? And, what was your previous schooling?"

"Oh, that." Starlight said. "Well, before. I came from a small village. There, I was home schooled." She stopped walking, and so did Principal Celestia for their conversation. "And, now I decided that it's best for me to do my academic studies here in a public school setting, like Canterlot High." She put her right hand out. "And, to make some new friends. I think this should suite me pretty well. And, be great for my mental health, that is."

"Wow, that is quite something. That must be marvelous. Coming from a small village. Then, you deciding to start off with something new and big, by deciding to move here to CHS. That must be such a huge step for you." Principal Celestia shaked Starlight's hand, welcoming her with open arms.

"I am really proud of you, Starlight. Especially, for coming this far. I welcome you kindly here, in Canterlot High, with open arms. I congratulate you on doing a job, well done. And, for deciding to become a Wondercolt, of course. Thank you, really."

Starlight smiled back at her, after finishing shaking her hand back. "Oh, my. I don't know what to say? But, thank you so much, Principal Celestia."

"It's not a problem." Celestia stopped shaking hands with her. "And if you need anyone to talk to about any of your problems or mental health, we have counselors here for that. Or, you can always talk to any faculty, your friends, or me about that stuff. Does that sound good, with you?"

"Good?" Starlight put her hand across her satchel strap. "Yes. That sounds absolutely great!"

Celestia put her hands out. "That's good to know. And, this concludes, the end of our tour, around CHS. If you need me. I will be in my office, filing some papers at my desk." She waved to Starlight with her hand as a goodbye and walked away.

"Okay. Got it." Starlight looked up at her, and waved back to her.

She then walked out to the front doors. She saw Sunset Shimmer sitting at the top of her staircase. She quickly joined her, by sitting down next to her.

"All done, already?" Sunset had her open book on top of her lap, with her pen out. Her backpack was next to her on the step.

"Why, yes. Indeed, I am." Starlight said, holding tightly onto her strap to her satchel. "Principal Celestia sure finished the tour around the school, pretty fast. Then, we chatted quickly. She was kind enough to tell me that if I ever need anything or anyone to talk to, then I can go to her if I want to."

She beamed a smile. "I have never felt so welcome here, in my whole entire life."

"Yeah, that's Canterlot High, for you." Sunset said.  "It amazes me, how they can make anyone easily feel welcome here, whether it's a new or current student." She was holding her pen in her right hand.

"Hmm, that reminds me," Starlight got her finger and pointed to her chin in question. "Thanks, for letting me be in your friend group." Starlight Glimmer said to Sunset Shimmer, as they were both sitting outside of the staircase that was in front of the high school. "Sunset Shimmer."

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