Chapter 18: At Camp Everfree

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Sunset Shimmer put her hands out, "Come on, who else would make these vines? And we are at Camp Everfree after all."

Spike gulped. "I'm worried about the others. I wonder what happened to them?"

"Me, too. Come on, Spike," Sunset picked up Spike and began walking around. She touched her magic pendant to try to move some of the vines away while she tried levitating it with her right hand, "Ughhh, I can't remove this with my magic. I can't do it! This magic that Gloriosa used is way too strong!"

Sunset wiped the sweat from her forehead, "Looks like I have to use my magic to fly all over these vines." She flew as an orange magic aura surrounded her and Spike.

She saw some people trapped in vine-like cages, that had a look of fear on their faces. A gasp was heard from behind her, followed by a female accent, "Sunset Shimmer? Is that you?"

"Huh?" Sunset turned around and she saw the Main Six stuck in a vine cage. They were all staring at her, even Spike that was in Sunset's arms.

"Rarity?" Sunset approached them. "Girls? Rainbow Dash? Fluttershy? Applejack? Twilight? Pinkie Pie? And, another Spike?" She was very surprised. "I--Uh--what happened here?"

"I can ask you the same question." Rarity said.

"What happened to all of you?" The future Spike said, as Sunset put him down. He then ran closer to their cage to get a better look at them, and he eyed the girls and said with concern. "All of you should be saving the world. But, now all of you here are stuck in fear, instead."

"Yes, we all do know that for sure." Applejack said.

"It's just that," Rainbow Dash said in a disappointed tone. "Gloriosa turned into Gaea Everfree. We all couldn't stop her in time. So, that's why we are all trapped here."

"What a bummer it is." Pinkie Pie said, in a sad tone. "This isn't  the way how I wanted to spend our field trip." Her pink hair dropped down, indicating that she was disappointed as well.

"But, Sunset Shimmer." Fluttershy said. "What brings you here?" She asked. "I thought you couldn't make it to the field trip, because you were sick or something? I am confused."

"And why, is there another Spike with you?" Sci-Twi said, pointing to the future Spike with future Sunset.

"Hi, other me." Future-Spike said to Past-Spike.

"Hello, there." Past-Spike replied back to him. "You sure look nice."

"I can say the same goes for you. For uh--me, that is." Future-Spike complimented.

"Why thank you. It sure is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance." Past-Spike said to the Future-Spike that is with Sunset.

"Yeah? What is this? These two Spikes, talking? Huh?" Applejack looked confused. "What in the hay, is going on? Y'all got some explaining to do."

"Well, uh--" Sunset was nervous. She sweatdropped. "You see. I--"

"Lemme take a wild guess." Past-Spike said. "You two are from the future. And somehow time traveled here, back into the past?"

Sci-Twi giggled. "Yeah, right. Like that would ever be true--"

"Yes. It is true. As strange, as it sounds." Future-Sunset said to them.

"Wait, what!?" Sci-Twi's jaw dropped in awe. "You are being serious? You two time traveled here?"

"Yes. What she is saying, is the truth." Past-Spike said. "Come on, why else wouldn't there be two Spikes? I mean--two me's, here at the same time and same place." He scratched his head lightly with his purple paw. "Oh, you know what I mean. Right?"

"Well, actually it would all make sense now. And he does have a point." Fluttershy said. She kneeled down to take a look at Past-Spike. "I don't think Spike. I mean, any Spike that is a dog, would be the type to lie about these things."

She tried reaching her hand out to him. "Come on, just take a look into his eyes and rely on your own gut feelings. Because your intuition, never lies; especially when it comes to sensing things about animals or people."

"Hmmm, you know what? I think Fluttershy is right, about the other Spike and Sunset telling the truth." Rarity said.

"But since it is true. Then, what kind of business do you have here to do in the past?" Rainbow Dash said. "I mean, shouldn't you guys be using your time very wisely on this? And perhaps, trying to speed things up a bit?"

"Yes. We do understand that time is of the essence. And to use it wisely." Sunset Shimmer said. "Long story short, a girl from the future by the name of Starlight Glimmer has magic. In which, she used to time travel and make me and her become stuck in some sort of time loop so that she can change the past."

"Change the past? Why would she want to do that?" Sci-Twi said.

"So, that she can stop all of us from becoming friends with each other? And to stop all the important events that helped us form our strong bond of the magic of friendship." Sunset looked down. "That's why."

The Main Six all gasped in shock. "WHAT!?" They all said, being surprised at the same time.

"Are you pulling our string on this?" Applejack said.

"No, I'm not. I promise you, that I am being honest here." Sunset said.

"That doesn't sound very good," Fluttershy said, worrying. "About this Starlight Glimmer girl interfering with the whole time travel thing. Something about this, doesn't sit right with me."

"And the time traveling is also what caused things to change a bit. That's why it caused Gloriosa, to go all power-hungry." Sunset put her hands out and wiggled her fingers. "With all that magic, from those geoedes that are from the cave. And why, she trapped all of you here. And also what made her go haywire?" Sunset eyed them and dropped her hands down. She became serious again. "Oh, you already know what I mean by that. Anyone can become insane with absorbing too much Equestrian magic." She looked at her nails, with her hand up facing her. "I know from experience."

The Main Six all nodded their heads together in agreement.

Pinkie Pie added into the conversation. "She's right. This isn't what was supposed to happen. Originally, we were all supposed to help defeat Gloriosa. Twilight and Sunset, were both meant to help us. But, since our own past-Sunset isn't here. That means that she was never able to help Twilight overcome her Midnight Sparkle. But most importantly, we needed Twilight and Sunset's assistance on reforming Gloriosa." She explained.

"Woah, Pinkie, how did you know that I haven't overcome the Midnight Sparkle, that is inside of me." Sci-Twi said. "I never told any of you that. I just mostly kept it to myself, because I felt like none of you would understand me."

"Woah, this is getting way too real for me." Rarity said.

"Yeah. It sure is." Rainbow Dash said. "Sunset. What are you waiting around here for? Go and save the day! You don't have that much time. You shouldn't waste any of it, with talking with us. Just go, and be awesome!" Rainbow raised her fist up.

"You're right. There isn't much time, I have to go stop Starlight Glimmer." Sunset Shimmer said, regaining back her focus. "Me and Spike need to go find the time travel map. It should be in the crystal cave. There's no more time for me to explain everything."  She picked up Spike. "Got to go. Later, girls! I'll see you in the future." She began running off.

At the distance, as she ran, she could hear the Main Six cheering her on. "Woo! Sunset!" Pinkie shouted.

"Go, get 'em!" Rainbow shouted.

"You go, girl!" Rarity said.

"Yay! Sunset! Go Spike!" Fluttershy cheered in her soft voice.

"We are counting on the both of you." Applejack said.

"Good luck." Sci-Twi said.

Hearing their compliments, and giving Sunset Shimmer a huge burst of motivation. She grinned to herself, appreciating their support from them.

She and Spike went near the lake and at a distance they saw Gloriosa Daisy as Gaea Everfree. She was using her magic to trap people and things with her twisted vines.

Equestria Girls: Equal Marks (Book 6~Equestria Girls Series)Where stories live. Discover now