Chapter 20: Trying To Change Starlight's Mind

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Sunset Shimmer and Spike both saw what was going on with Midnight Sparkle interacting with Princess Twilight Sparkle. "No! Equestria! My home!" Sunset said in a sad tone. She felt traumatized, witnessing Midnight destroying Equestria with her magic.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Twilight saw Sunset up near the sky, near a time-portal. "And, other Spike? What are you doing here? What in Equestria, is going on?"

"Twilight?" Sunset noticed pony-Twilight. Twilight!" She said, waving her hand to her at a distance. "There's no time to explain this, but long story short. We have been stuck in some time loops. All, while we have been time traveling to different timelines. So that, we can defeat a girl named Starlight Glimmer. She caused all this, because she is trying to stop all the past events that made all my friends, become friends with me."

"Oh my. Sweet Celestia. That sure is quite a mouthful." Twilight continued flapping her wings. "A girl named Starlight, to do with time traveling? I have been through that exact same situation before, as you already know."

"Yes, I do know and remember it, from you and your friendship student Starlight." Sunset said. "It turns out this girl, is from my world. She is Starlight's original human counterpart."

"Ah, I see. That makes total sense."

"UGHHH!" Midnight Sparkle said in disgust. "Well, you two stop chattering!? So, that I can continue clobbering you two with my magic!?" She threw some magic balls at Princess Twilight.

Twilight dodged the magic attacks quickly. "I see that you are quick on dodging my attacks, huh?" Midnight said to her. "Well, there's more where that came from!"

"Quick! Sunset!" Twilight looked at human Sunset and dog-Spike. "The both of you! Go! Go, now! While you two still have the chance to!" She glared at Midnight's violet eyes. "I will handle this."

"Alright." Sunset said. "We will."

"Don't worry, Twilight." Puppy-Spike said to her. "This is just temporary. Midnight Sparkle won't be here anymore. We will fix these time loops, that all have to do with the other Starlight changing them. That's a promise. Bye." He said as his last words to the alicorn princess, before they went through the time-portal again.

They then went to a timeline of the Fall Formal again. Sunset and Spike got out of the portal, they dodged the magic beam that Starlight Glimmer shot.
"Up for another race-ending fight, Sunset?"

"No. You were right. I can't stop you." Sunset shot a magic beam with her hand to her. "But you can't stop me from trying, and we could be stuck doing this again and again, for all of eternity!"

"If, that's what it takes to keep you and your friends from getting your magical-friendship connection, then I'm game!" Starlight zapped her magic back at them.

Sunset flew to the side, to miss her attack again. "But what you're doing, it goes beyond magic! It seriously does! Everything we do here in the past--even if it's the smallest change--can snowball into an avalanche of trouble for the future. It can change it all, by the slightest bit. Until it becomes the snowball effect, where it starts to become bigger and bigger than before, and then falls down, causing for a large type of cause and effect to take place towards the end."

"Ha, yeah right!" Starlight said. "Oh, next..I bet you will be lecturing me about how the fate of the whole world hangs into the balance'!" She was mad.

"Well, yeah. But that's because, it actually does!" Sunset shouted back.

"Spare me your overblown ego! Having no group of friends, not even the magic that comes with it. Is really, all that important to you!? Oh, please! Give me a break!"

"Look, Starlight." Sunset said.

The time portal randomly opened.
"Honestly, I don't know how important other peoples' friendships are to the future. But, I can show you what the world is like, without mine!" She flew to Starlight and took her hand, leading her near the portal. The portal absorbed them through it, even Spike.

The next dimension they entered really looked empty and dark, like it was in a depressing type of setting. Starlight looked around and saw that they were standing on empty land with dirt. There was barely any plants or trees around. There was no buildings, no people either.

There wind screeched loudly, blowing through Starlight's purple hair. "Where are we!?" She shouted angrily, turning back to look at Sunset and Spike.

"The future." Sunset said, standing near the magical-crystal cave table map. She put her hand on it, as the wind blew her red-yellowish hair. "Or rather, the present. We are here in what used to be known as Camp Everfree. It's empty here, with nothing left."

"But, there's nothing here!" Starlight shouted, putting her hand out as she looked around her own surroundings.

"I wish that I could say that I was surprised. But I can't. I'm not, since every world I keep coming back to is always more worse, than the last one is. Look. I honestly really don't know or don't understand why my friends and I, are so important to this world." Sunset put her hand to her chest. "But we are." She explained.

"No! I don't believe you!" Starlight pointed to Sunset. "I refuse to!" Starlight was still angry.

"Come on, Starlight. Look around!" Spike the dog said. He was sitting on top of the crystal cave-table.

Starlight then turned around and looked around again. Sunset started speaking and she walked to Starlight closer. "Like I said before, everything in the past affects the the future. Even the tiniest act, or smallest change," she picked up a clump of dirt with her one hand as an example, and then the wind blew it away, making it disappear. "And what you are doing here, leads here. I already know that I can't stop you, because you are too powerful. But, I really thought that showing you this, might help you to maybe change your mind about it. Or to at least, make you want you to change yourself and your past mistakes."

"It would make me want to change my mind on it!?" Starlight said. She stomped her foot onto the ground in anger. "Yeah, right! No way! You don't even know anything about me, Sunset Shimmer!" She approached Sunset, and shouted in frustration in front of her face. "I was perfectly happy, before you and your so-called friends ruined what I had built!"

"Look, Starlight. I don't know what happened that led you to make your village without having any different talents. Or any separate individual personalities, for that matter. And, I'm really sorry that my friends and I had to take all that away from you." Sunset put her hand on her heart, as she was making a sincere apology.

"You really want to know what happened to me!?" Starlight's aqua magic green aura appeared around her body, indicating that she was activating her own magic. "I'll show you!" She then flew with her magic aura around her, and landed on top of the crystal table.

She activated her magic on top of the table, making it glow into a aqua-greenish color. Her, Spike, and Sunset all got magically absorbed down into the table since the bottom of it became another time travel portal.

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