Chapter 11: Time Travel

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Starlight Glimmer took out a rolled up scroll of paper and she pointed her finger at it, transferring her magic power to it. The scroll flew up by itself and activated a beam that hit the virtual crystal cave map.

Sunset Shimmer ran up to the map and asked, "What are you doing, Starlight?"

Starlight giggled, "I'd tell you. But I don't want to RUIN the surprise!" She used her magic to pick up the floating scroll. "Won't be needing that anymore," she crumpled it up in a ball and threw it to the ground.

"HA-HA-HA-HA!" Starlight laughed, as magic rings were floating above the map.

The wind almost blew Spike away, but Sunset luckily caught him in time. A magical green hole in the sky appeared, it was like a black hole.

Starlight used her magic to make herself fly up to the hole, before she left she had an evil smile on her face. After she went in it, the hole disappeared.

"Where'd she go?" Spike looked up to where the magical hole wasn't at anymore.

"I don't know Spike." Sunset looked down at the map. "But I think we better find out."

"I guess we can start with this." Spike looked at the crumpled up paper.

"Spike, no! Don't touch that!" Sunset warned. But it was too late, he had already touched it with his paw.

When he picked up the paper, it activated the magic hole to open up again. Sunset and Spike both screamed as the strong winds made them both get absorbed into the hole.

Some seconds later, Pinkie Pie entered the cave. She had a moving cart that had a cake on top of it. She saw that no one was there to share the cake with it. "Huh?" She took a huge bite out of the cake.

"Ahhhhh!" Spike was holding onto the magic spell scroll and Sunset was holding onto him. The hole appeared again and they both fall out of it.

"Canterlot High? We were just there earlier." Spike said. "Why would she come here?"

"I don't know Spike. But it looks like she can do much more with her magic. Keep your eyes open. I don't know what she has planned." Sunset was being cautious. "Wait, this is..?" her jaw dropped in awe as she saw a poster on the wall.

She took the poster and she was freaking out. "It-it...can't be!" She said.

"What can't be?" Spike said. "What's the matter, Sunset?"

"We're at the day of the Fall Formal."

"Fall Formal?" Spike said. "But that's in the--"

"Past." Sunset said. "My be exact." She face palmed. "I didn't know I would be coming back to this, some day." She frowned and looked down onto the ground in shame.

"Don't worry. I'm here with you." Spike saw that she was upset. "Please, don't be sad. Sunset, you're doing better now. You have friends. You learned from your mistakes."

Sunset looked up at him. "You help others, especially with friendship. You're looking towards a brighter future, which is ahead of you. You put your past behind you. You have become a better person, than you were back then."

Sunset blinked. Spike smiled at her. "My point is, you're a great person and friend. So, please don't be ashamed of your're not in it anymore. It's over. You are doing better now."

A smile lit up on Sunset's face. "Aww~!" She picked up Spike and hugged him. "Gee thanks, Spike. You have a way with words."

Spike hugged her back. And when they stopped hugging, they both giggled. "Okay, that's enough of that now. We have to refocus on this, we don't have all the time now. We can't waste any second of it." She made two fists with her hands.

She started walking around, "Come on, let's go. We have to figure out what's going on."

Spike followed her. "Sunset? One more thing?"


"I think we traveled back in time."

"Oh," Sunset Shimmer's eyes sparkled in surprise. "I figured. That would make more sense, when you put it that way."

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