"I'm pretty sure she didn't swallow your fucking tongue, so I'll ask again, is this all?" The longer I stayed there in his presence, the more I itched to punch his annoyingly beautiful face.


"Great," I interrupted, seeing that he wasn't going to answer my question. "It'll be on your desk tomorrow morning if I make it in time before another one of your appointments; if not, I'll just leave it at the front desk."

He boldly took a step towards me, but I had already whirled around and was heading in the direction of the door, but before I could open it, his arms shot out, caging me in from behind. I could feel Nathaniel's breath fanning against my neck, but instead of feeling flustered like I usually did, all I felt was disgust, hatred.

"Let me explain," he whispered in a strained voice.

"What you do in your spare time is none of my business," I spoke calmly, the opposite of how I felt inside.


Before he could finish his sentence, the door swung open, shoving us aside in the process.

"Boss...er sorry, am I interrupting something?" Nathaniel's accountant asked as he walked in, seeing how close the two of us were. Beads of sweat started to form along his forehead as a result of Nathaniel glaring daggers into his soul.

"No, we were done anyway," I muttered, pushing past Nathaniel's figure and slipping out of the door before he had time to snatch me back.

"How many times have I told you to fucking knock before entering?" I heard Nathaniel snap viciously at the poor man as the doors slammed closed after me.

I breathed a sigh of relief the moment I made it into my dark office, locking the door behind me.

"Fuck, fuck fuck," I mumbled to myself, leaning my head against the wall and embracing the cool feeling. My stomach was still churning with uneasiness, and I shuddered heavily as I thought about what just happened.

"Stazi?" A familiar voice spoke up from behind me.

Not being in the right state of mind, I spun around with my fist raised, ready to pummel the person hiding out in my office.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's me, Carter," he whispered softly, grabbing my tiny fist before it came in contact with his face. I reached my other hand and flicked on the light to find Carter standing in front of me looking handsome as ever. His chocolate brown hair was brushed back neatly, allowing his bright hazel eyes to be seen. He wore a black tight-fitted polo shirt with grey slacks, the same color as mine.

I gasped as he released my hand, and I immediately wrapped them tightly around his neck, pulling him into a hug. His hands instantly snaked around my waist and slid up my back, leaving a shiver to run down my spine. I knew his gesture was as friendly as it could get, but I couldn't help but feel aroused at his tender touch.

God, I need help.

"I missed you," he murmured. His stubble tickled my cheek as our faces pressed against each other during the tight embrace.

"I missed you too," I whispered back, more than you know. Being here in Carter's arms made me completely forget about Nathaniel. Carter always had a way to make all my worries disappear just by being in his comfortable presence. It's a quality I've admired about him.

I stayed there clinging to his body, inhaling his captivating aroma, not wanting to let go.

"Are you okay?" He finally whispered, peeling my body off of his to gaze down at me. My eyes instantly flickered up to his lips wanting desperately to smash mine against his, but then I remembered Gabrielle, his girlfriend.

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