I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I heard the news. Nathaniel doesn't even have the decency to face me even after everything that happened two nights ago. I don't know why his actions continued to surprise me; he's always been a coward hiding behind that fake facade he puts on for the world to see.

"Lead the way," I finally answered, plastering a fake smile on my face as I shook my sunglasses out of my hair and slid them onto my nose.

Two hours later, we arrived at the private airport where the jet awaited, and I was actually surprised it was still there and not halfway across the world by now. Before boarding, I sent Stella a quick text letting her know what time the jet will be landing so she could pick me up. The less time I spent with Nathaniel, the better.

"Anything to drink, ma'am?" The flight attendant asked as soon as I stepped foot into the aircraft. I shook my head as I scanned the area looking for any sign of Nathaniel, but thankfully he was nowhere to be seen.

After the attendant kindly informed me that the jet would be taking off in ten minutes, I quickly slipped into one out of the two rooms aboard the craft and plopped on the bed. It was the same room that Nathaniel ordered me to go in when I got airsick on our first flight. As I flipped over to bury myself under the blankets, something on the nightstand caught my eyes. It was a small bottle of NyQuil with a sticky note attached to it that read,

"For your airsickness."

I rolled my eyes, recognizing his handwriting, and crumpled up the note, tossing it right into the trash can placed beside the bed.

Realizing I had about 5 minutes before take-off, I hurriedly took a swig of the medicine, not caring who it came from, and snuggled deep into the blankets, preparing my body for hibernation. It wasn't long before my eyelids began to feel heavy, and I was knocked out within seconds but not before feeling the bed dip beside me as a strong warm arm wrapped around my body. Or was I dreaming already?


The sound of hushed voices coming from outside the room pulled me out of my peaceful slumber.

"Do not wake her up."


"Why not?"


"She needs to rest; why are you even here?" Nathaniel snapped irritably. I imagined him running his hand through his hair as he always does whenever he's frustrated.

"Because she asked me to be," Stella whispered angrily. "I don't know what happened between the two of you, but for some reason, she wanted to ride back with me, not you now move."

I didn't hear Nathaniel say anything back, so I sat up against the headboard and used that opportunity to announce that I had finally awoken.

"Stella? Is that you?" I called out, loud enough for her to hear me through the door.

"See!" Stella hissed at her cousin. "She's awake, now go away before she sees your ugly face."

"Stella?" I called out again, in hopes Nathaniel would listen to Stella and leave.

Seconds later, the door burst open, and in came the small woman I'd grown to love.

"Cupcake!" She squealed as she jumped on the bed and wrapped her tiny arms around me. Her sweet familiar scent flooded my nostrils, and I didn't realize how much I had missed her until now.

"God, I missed you," I sighed as we broke apart.

"I missed you more," she pouted. "I was stuck with Carter and Gabrielle for two weeks; those two could not get their hands off each other."

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