Your mother sigh and tap your shoulder. "We know, that's why we are here." She said.

"Huh? Here for..?" You look at your mother confused.

"We... Decided to.. Uh.." Your father struggles to say the words.

"Come on, you can do it." Your mother pat your father back.

"We've decided to... Sponsor any team you want to get in, so you can make friend's like you always wanted to." Said your father.

"... REALLY ?!" You asked sparkling.

"Yes." Respond your mother.

"I can't believe it! I'm finally gonna make friends and play soccer!" You jumped excited.

"Anyway, when did you got a plushie?" Ask your mother.

"Uh... Yeah.. Actually.."

You explained to them what happened.

"You bumped into someone and his item got switched with your soccer ball... You sure are clumsy my daughter." Sigh your mother.

"I was hoping to get back to give it to him but the BODYGUARDS stopped me from it." You glared.

"My bad, how does he look like? We might have some clue on wich school he goes to." Said Your father.

"Uh... Actually... All I saw was that he had long grey hair, everything is hard to describe since he was wearing a hoodie." You said describing the person.

"Long grey hair huh.. We'll find him sooner or later, anyway. Tomorrow you'll be attending to a match Raimon against Seishou." Said your father hand you over a ticket for the match.

"Raimon and Seishou? But I thought all Raimon's player's left to other teams and there was no longer a single player." You said.

"Looks like some people from an isolated island has took their place's." Reply your father.

"Isolated island..?" You look at your tickets.


You were watching the match from a "Balcony" (i don't know how it's called sorry 😅).

Seishou against Raimon, father and mother were right, these Raimon Player's are completely different from last year, you knew none of these people.

You then look at the Seishou team you immediately spot the boy you bumped into last night!

"Hey! Who's this guy with long grey hair?" You asked to your butler pointing out at the boy with long hair.

"Let me check." Your butler take out a tablet out and check the player's list. "His name is Haizaki Ryouhei, he's also known as the devil of the field. He's one of the best player of his team." said your Butler.

"Haizaki Ryouhei.. Who would've thought that a boy with such a scary look would like something this... Cute ?" You said taking out the plushie you accidentally took.

"So, he's the one you met yesterday?" Ask your butler.

"I'm 100% sure, the hairstyle I saw yesterday is the same." You said.

"do you want me to give it to him?" Ask your butler.

"No, I'll give it to him myself." You said closing your eyes then open them readying to focus on the match.


A crushing victory, Raimon miserably lost against Seishou. How disappointing, oh well. Atleast you saw what you needed to see.

"I have chosen who I wanted to join." You stood up from your seat.

"But... We've only seen one match Lady [F/N]!" Said your butler.

"One match is enough." You said and walked away, you walked down the stairs and walked toward the Seishou Bench.

"Can we help you?" Asked a man, it's the trainer of Seishou, Kudou machiya.

"I came here to talk to Haizaki Ryouhei." I said.

"Hm? Huh?! You!" Haizaki point his finger at you.

"Yo." you did a small wave at him.

"Come here!" Haizaki grab your arm bringing you inside the stadium building.

"Relax, I just came here to give you back this plushie." You said holding the Teddy.

Haizaki take the plushie from your hands and glares. "Who are you exactly? A stalker or something?" Ask Haizaki.

"Why would I stalk someone like you..? Anyway look, I'm sorry for taking your.. Plushie. I was in a hurry. So forget about that and we are good." You said.

"Tch, fine." Haizaki walk away.

"Oh by the way, nice match!" You shouted.

"... Thanks." Said Haizaki continuing walking back in the stadium.

Next thing I need to do is...

[Tokyo Sunshine Tower]

You walked in the tower at the highest floor and saw the Raimon Player's crying, probably because of their defeat..

You walk toward them.

"Sorry to interrupt this sad moment." You walk in.

"Huh..?" everyone from Raimon look at you with their teary eyes.

"My name is [F/N] [L/N] and I've watched your match against Seishou academy, I know that it's hard to make a good impression on the first match.. But.. I'm interested in sponsoring your team." You said with a smile.

"Is this some kind of joke?" asked the only girl from Raimon.

"Nope, here's my parents card, I will let you and your team continue freely playing soccer in this tournament under two conditions." You said giving their captain the card of Island tourist.

"Under two conditions?" Asked their captain.

"One, let me in the team. Two I want you all to give all your best each match, so what's your answer?." You ask.

"We accept!" They said happily and started to jump in excitement.

"alright, see you at the tomorrow practice then." You smile and walk away with your butler.

I hope I choosed the right choice.

On your way you meet a boy with red-pinkish hair walking with a tall and muscular boy who has light brown hair.

You know them really well, Nosaka Yuuma and Nishikage Seiya, you met because of your father business.

"Oh hello, [F/N]." Greet Nosaka.

"Hello, Nosaka and Nishikage." You greet back.

"So, have you chosen wich Team you will join? Outei Tsukinomiya is always happy to accept you in." Said Nosaka.

"Sorry, but I have chosen to join Raimon." You said.

"This team of people from the island?" Asked Nishikage.

"Yup." You nod.

"I see, hope you enjoy their soccer." Nishikage and Nosaka walks away.

Still friendly as always, huh?

And this Haizaki Ryouhei... Let's hope I get to play soccer against you in this tournament.

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