26~ Royal Warning.

Start from the beginning

"I understand." He nodded his head, all the hotheadedness terminating into the thin air.

"Good. Now stand up and go check out what we gave you as gift." She played around with her head like a kid again.

He don't understand why she is so excited because of what she gifted him. The last wedding, she gave him a rug so he could place in the middle of his home office so now he don't know what to expect. Maybe a new mug for his night coffee? Or a magic charcoal to light up incense every night? Yes, his grandmother can be that weird, not with this smile on her face saying she has something colossal planned though.

He can't wait to find out too, or not!


"So, what is your story and this Ju woman?" Suhayr asked Sulaiman who stopped the Pringles from hitting his mouth at the last minute his emotions changing real quick.

They have been talking the whole day and she is not tired of finding out more about him and his work. He seems like a nice guy and she definitely wouldn't have thought a guy like him could be straight out from the same root as her tartar husband. The way he talks screams respect for women, his charisma is enough to lure everyone in without noticing, the air of gentleness and politeness that surround him is hard to ignore so how is she supposed to even think about her husband in this man? They are no match and not to forget, he is dark skinned!

Totally the type of men she would go for!

He's been feeding her in on the family matters and also told her how close he is with Sa'eed which she downright denied. Sa'eed can't be close to anyone but the trashcan where he really belongs since generations. Whenever he would say something funny he did with Sa'eed years ago, she will just give him the 'don't trash with my intelligence' then move on. She can't imagine Sa'eed being one of those people that play soccer with beggars outside the Royal gates, nope, she refuse to take that shit.

He also told her he has only one sibling and that is Bisma, all the rest are his cousins and having grown up together, they are all close. Bisma was really animative and join in the conversation with her brother unlike before when she didn't even want to stare at them. It looks like she share some kind of bond with her brother and only get comfortable when he does. Now they talk like best friends though Bisma is five good years older than her, most her friends are.

She wanted to ask if she was married or not but glued her mouth shut. At twenty four, she might be married or divorced or widowed and Suhayr don't want to touch sour subjects on their first meeting hence she didn't bring it up. Not that she won't someday because she definitely would, she is top curious to let it slip. She likes the idea of knowing everything and everyone like the back of her hands so this is her next mission.

The girls all left after some hours though, all claiming to have something to do but will come back sometime soon. Not all of them chirp into the conversation though, some of them look to be really intimidated by her while the others will keep staring every now and then. She don't mind as long as no one says trash to her face, her bitchy side is always ready to pounce on the next prey. She won't care if they are her husband's relatives too or even if they are royalties.

"Humm, Juwairiyah is a long story from the past." He tried changing the topic, shoving the Pringles straight into his mouth and gulped some yoghurt Tasneem saved.

"We have all day." It was Tasneem who answered, her elbows propped on her knees while the fists she's made with her hands sat underneath her chin.

She looks totally focused on his words.

"Well, I think she has crushed on me some years ago but I didn't know about it even though we were very close..." He got cut off by Suhayr who just had to comment.

"That cliché act that the protagonist always get too ignorant to notice huh?" It earned her a playful glare from Sulaiman and deadpan look from Tasneem who was mad at the interruption.

She loves stories like that!

"Whatever. So it all came crashing down when I get myself a girlfriend who happens to be her friend, Fiddah. She was so jealous that she had to use connections to break us apart and the path she choose wasn't exactly something I am proud of. She tricked Fiddah into kissing a guy and took the picture then send it to me. I wasn't ready to break up with Fiddah even after that knowing she has always been shy and all, ya know? I mean, I know she will never do that and shit.

"But Juwairiyah kept insisting that she doesn't deserve me then one day, she burst out angrily to my chamber. She told me she made Fiddah do all that so I broke up with Fiddah and never talked to Juwairiyah again. It shattered her, I know but I can't deal with so much drama when I'm in the middle of an internship. And here we are now, always tensed when in the same room." He shrugged, licking off the yoghurt from his upper lips with his bubblegum pink tongue.

"Woah, you really know how to cut it all off. Why did you break up with Fiddah though?" Tasneem inclined her head to the side, totally into the drama she would want to watch all over.

"We don't have any special connection, we just wanted to date and keep each other company." He shrugged his broad shoulders again.

"Where is Fiddah and why are you not talking to Juwairiyah? Maybe she won't be so bitter if she has you in her life." Suhayr asked thoughtfully while wringing and combing through what he said.

"Fiddah is married now to one of my friends and I don't want to ever be connected with her in anyway. Juwairiyah has always been a bitter child right from the beginning, nothing I do can help her. Though grand mama said I am the only one that puts her in her place." He explained, closing the lid of the Pringles container.

"There must be a reason for everyone's bitterness." Suhayr narrowed her eyes when he rolled his eyes at her. She sounds like a journalist not just a high school graduate.

"Their mother wasn't exactly the best mother out there, so I think that is the root of all their problems." He didn't want to go further, Suhayr get that loud and clear.

"That is why that cousin of yours feels like the world is beneath him. Fucking tartar!" She glared at the white center table in front of them wishing it was her groom there staring at her.

"C'mon, he is not as bad as you portray him out to be. He can be a sweetheart but not to someone who blackmailed and threaten him." He smiled innocently when the harsh glare is brought back to his figure.

"Don't go around defending him. He wasn't exactly nice the day I first met him too. He called me a fucking gold digger right the first hours we've met! What does that enunciate?" Her perfectly arched brow rise up a notch in mock questioning.

"Well, you also called him so many names in your mother tongue so I can't judge here. And don't forget, I'm a neurosurgeon and not a lawyer." He gave her his best child-like smile that has her heart palpitating, he is really gorgeous.

'That is not why your heart is literally having salsa dance. It is because he is polite and charming, your husband is way more handsome.' Her inner bitch mocked adding a fake gagging sound at the end which Suhayr appreciated, he shouldn't have been handsome.

"You are not but you are already judging me." She crossed her hand over her chest in a bratty way, extremely glad she is still wearing the lapaya or her mounds would've popped.

"I am not." He argued immediately, not skipping a beat.

"You are."



Then a loud bang of a door hitting the wall and almost bringing it to it's knees resonated throughout the entire house rendering them motionless and puzzled. Who would hit the door like this with so much force?


Juma'at Karim✨!

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