Twins on a fieldtrip (aka a disaster)

Start from the beginning

He was gonna end the week strong. But Parker Luck™ had other plans. Thursday evening the teachers had called all the freshman and juniors into the cafeteria for an assembly. Everyone was confused and chattered about what it could be. "I think they found out who caused the servers to shut down during midterms last month." Ned said nervously.

"No way. We covered our tracks." Peter assured. "And they're pretty stupid, for teachers." MJ added. Peter nodded in agreeance and ned hoped they were right. The principal came on stage and everyone quieted down. "Hello students. I bet you are wondering why we have you gathered here this close to dismassal."

Everyone said "Yeah." Principal Morita smiled. "Well for startes I am proud to annouce that we have the highest SAT scores in the entire state of NewYork!" All the students chattered excitedly. "And that is not all. Because we have the highest SAT scores in the state Mr.Tony Stark has invited us, and another school, to have a private tour of The Avengers Tower!"

All the students started cheering and getting excited. "Now now, settle down." They all quieted. "We are sending you home with permission slips for your parents/guardians to sign in order for you to go. The field trip is tomorrow so if you bring your slip signed by your guardians then you do not need to bring your backpacks tomorrow. You are all dismissed." Morita said.

All the students filed out. "I'm gonna die." Peter whined. "Why?" Ned asked. "We're in the middle of a prank war and they are so gonna embarass and prank me." Peter sighed. "Can't help you dude." MJ smirked. Peter groaned. They all looked up when they heard a couple horns honking.

It was MJ and Neds moms. They said their goodbyes and parted ways. Peter ran to the apartment. He convinced Clint and Natasha to go on patrol for him today. He didn't tell them this but he was going to visit his twin brother today.

Yes. Peter has an identical twin brother but not many people know that. They didn't even know it until they ran into eachother at a Cafe. They got in contact and it turned out that they were seperated after their parents died and Andrew's adoptive parents moved to NewYork that year.

Andrew was excited to meet his real family but since he grew up with his adoptive parents he didn't want to leave them so they would visit eachother and have sleepovers from time to time. Anyway

Peter went to May's apartment and she wasn't there yet. About an hour later Andrew texted him saying he was outside. Peter texted him and told him that he was home. Andrew had a key, but he never used it if May or Peter wasn't home.

Andrew let himself in and joined his brother on the couch. They were both quiet for a minute. "You'll never believe what happened today." They both said in two different tones. Andrew's was kind of excited and Peter's was annoyed.

"You go first." They both said at the same time. "Ok. I found out i have a field trip to the Avengers Tower tomorrow." They chorused. "You were the other school!" Peter said before andrew could. Andrew nodded. "Awesome." Peter smiled. "Don't you work at the tower?" Andrew asked. Peter nodded.

"Mr.Stark's personal intern." Peter smiled. "Cool." Andrew said. "I guess I'll get may to sign my form." Peter said. "And I'll get my parents to sign mine." Andrew said. They hung out for the rest of the night until May came back from work and drove Andrew home.

After May signed his form and laughed at him he went to bed. He told her not to tell the avengers he was going on the trip but he heard her on the phone with them later that night. During his restlessness he realized something. The avengers had no clue he had an identical twin. And him and said Identical twin would be in the same building tomorrow.

He didn't even have to scheme. He just knew whatever pranks they played would backfire. He went to sleep that night excited for the next day.

When he woke up in the morning he got ready and grabbed his signed slip, leaving everything else behind. He gave may a kiss on the cheek and left for school. When he got therehe met MJ by the busses. "You're here early." She said. "I'm excited." He said. She looked confused.

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