Chapter 105

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I began to wake up, yet again before Draco or Ron whom where still sleeping on each other. I began to laugh uncontrollably waking them both up, they lifted there heads up and soon realized how close they where. They jumped up and moved away from each other.

"Y-You...were....sleeping..head..on head!" I said in between laughs

"I would never sleep on weaselbee!" Draco spat

"Same here Malfoy!" Ron spat looking at Draco

"See even Weasley wouldn't sleep on himself if he got the chance" Draco said as a small laughing smile appeared on his face

"THATS..That's not what I meant- never speak of this!" Ron pointed to me as I finally stopped laughing

The nurse came in and saw everything was fine so I was able to go home now. I was so excited and changed to some clothes Draco had brought me. There was still no sign of Theo and I began to worry.

"Has anyone seen Theo?" I asked when I finished changing

"He's probably at the surprise-"

Draco slapped the back of Ron's head making him stop talking and wince as he rubbed the back of his head.

"What surprise?" I asked confused

"Ugh your ruined it Weasley! The surprise was that I was going to take you to dinner and Theo probably went to go check to make sure everything was okay" Draco said Softly

I blushed and walked over to him, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek. He frowned and looked at me

"What?" I asked confused

"Why did you kiss me on the cheek? You never kiss me on the cheek?" He asked skeptically

"Oh my-" I kissed his lips longer and he began to devour me

My kiss went from a peck to Draco's tongue entering my mouth. My eyes widen as I pulled away because of Ron who was staring at us with disgust.

"Draco! Ron is here" I said widening my eyes

"Sorry Ronald but you may not kiss me, although I know you would probably be dying to know what I taste like" Draco teased as he broke into laughter

"Your mental Malfoy!" Ron said as he turned bright red of embarrassment

"Okay enough you too let's get going" I said as Ron picked my things up and Draco grabbed my hand

We walked out and had to apperate home, before I knew it we where all standing in front of our home. I walked in and confetti popped out the roof

"WELCOME HOME!" Everyone yelled

I saw Molly, Arthur, Bill, Fleur, Fred, George, Ginny, Hermione, Amelia, Pansy, Blaise, Kellian, Luna, Neville, Astoria, Oliver, and...Harry holding Teddy. All my friends where here, I felt overwhelmed with joy.

"Oh my" I began to get teary eyed as I held my hands on my chest

"This was the surprise I was really talking about" Ron whispered to me as I smiled

I turned to him and hugged him, I walked over to everyone and said hi.

"NEVILLE!" I yelled out I'm excitement

He smiled and hugged me as I ran to him hugging him. I haven't seen him in ages, he was doing so good. I was so proud of him and I missed him.

"Hope! I've missed you!" He said smiling at me as I smiled back

"What no hug for me?" I turned to Oliver woods

"Oliver!" I walked quickly to him and hugged him

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