Chapter 51

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"Hello dear, I'm there mother you must be the Hope Ron has been telling me all about" a nice ginger lady said as I chuckled

"Mum stop!" Ron said crossing his arms

"Yes sorry by name is Hope Evens, it's very nice to meet you Mrs. Weasley !" I say

"Oh dear please call me molly?"

She says as she pulls me in for a hug, I embrace her hug as I close my eyes. My eyes tightened as I remember what it was like to hug my own mom, for some reason Molly's reminded me of my own mother. I could feel molly feeling me hugging her tighter as her hug loosens, I was trying to let her go but a part of me just wanted her to hold me. I release molly as I pull back and stand next to Ron, he wraps his arm around my shoulders as I stand next to him.

"Well it's A pleasure to meet you Hope my name is Arthur Weasley, there father" he said shaking my hand

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Weasley, I'm Ron's-"

" girlfriend, am I right?" He ask

Ron arm I look at each other as our eyes widen, he both fake gag and pull each other off one another

"Umm no! Sorry Ron is like a brother to me"  I said with a chuckle

"As a matter of fact dad we officially adopted Hope today and all decided that she's our sister" George said

" yeah I'm sorry Mr. Weasley but your gonna have to find another daughter in law because all I am to Ron is a sister" I say laughing

"Oh goodie now I have two beautiful daughters" molly said clapping her hands and hugging both Ginny and I

I instantly look at her with a shocked face, my eyes start getting watery. Tears start streaming down my face, I couldn't control it. Did she just call me her daughter? Did she want to be there for me? Was i really gonna have a family after such a long time? My lips instantly start trembling. Molly cups my cheeks with both her hands as Ron puts his hand on my back

"Dear are you alright?! Why are you crying?" She said with a concerned look

"Did you just call me your....daughter?" I asked as my eyes got overflowed with tears

"Well of course darling, anyone that is my sons and daughter's sister is a child of mine" she said with a warm smile

"Dear blood to us doesn't matter, besides I don't think that Ron would mind another sister especially if he chose her himself" Arthur said placing his hand on my arm

"We chose her first" the twins said in synced voices

"Oh all of you stop talking about her like she's some kind of owl will ya" molly said

" alright children come on let's go home" molly said grabbing a silver spoon

"That's how we apparate, c'mon" Ron says grabbing my hand

We then swirl and then we land in an some what empty space. I instantly feel my stomach getting into knots wanting to make throw up. I shake my head and swallow my saliva not letting me throw up, I look up and see this some what house that was basically on the verge of falling to the side. It looked like magic was holding it up, it was nice and peaceful though. The fresh air hit against the long green grass, we all start walking towards there home. That's when I see their door bust open, Hermione came running out and hugged Ginny along with Ron. Hermione glanced at me, gilt filled her eyes

"Hope! I am so sorry I swear I didn't know H-" I instantly cut Hermione off as I pull her in for a hug

"Hermione what Harry did isn't your fault! I could never stay mad at you, your my friend"
Hermione pulls back as a tear falls down her cheek

I lift my hand and wipe a tear off her cheek with my thumb. He smiles at me and i kiss her forehead

"Enough with the bloody drama" Ron said putting his arms around Hermiones and mines neck

We instantly laugh and continue walking towards the house, before we walk in I break the silence

"Hey Hermione why didn't you tell me you where gonna be here?"  I asked

"Oh well Umm cause-"

"Cause it was last minute right Hermione" Ron says staring at her with these in his eyes

"Okayyy" I say dragging my letters

As we all where laughing, chuckling and smiling I look up and see him. My face instantly turns into anger, my smile drops and I press my lips together. I clench my jaw and fist.

"Uhh- Umm, Harry! What are you doing here?" Ron says with a some what panicked voice

"Oh don't be silly Ron you invited him" molly said going into the kitchen

I instantly turn to Ron and raise both my eyebrows in anger, I jerk his arm off of my shoulder and walk out of the house. Before leaving outside I could hear molly

"Ron dear where is she goin?"

"Uh to go get a look at the view don't worry mum she said she won't go far" Ron said

"Well for now go out her things into her room, come on, hurry it up" molly said as her voice faded away from me as i walked faster

I was outside alone the only think I could hear was the air hitting against the soft grass. I instantly tilt my head up and stretch my hands out, I take deep breath but then I just start crying. I didn't know why all I knew was that I was

I on one knee and cup my face into both of my hands, my other knee falls and now I was kneeling on the floor crying. I didn't know what I did to life in order for it to hate me so much, why couldn't I been born into a family like the Weasley's or The Granger's. I then look up as I see something covering the sun from I front of me, the air automatically starts getting cooler and cooler.  It was snowing everywhere else but I noticed that here there was no snow, maybe they spelled it or something. I look up and fear fills my eyes, it was a bloody Dementor. I shout Ron's name in fear and take out my wand. I threw spell after spell but nothing worked, I fall back from panic and hit the floor hard. My wand rolled out of my hand

I then start getting light head as the Dementor comes face to face with me, my vision gets blurry.

Ohhhhhh nooooooo Hopsie and talk about DRAMA!!!

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