Chapter 80

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We waited there for a long time, I then saw someone it was fluer. She came out with scratches but she looked fine, and so was her sister. They put a towel around her. Then came out Victor Krum with his friend, I began to worry.

"Where is Cedric!?" I said as I began to worry

"Relax dear, Cedric is the last one which means he's going to win" Amos said

"Ahh!" I held my chest as I felt a sharp pain

I started to tear up, I felt cold, fear and it was a sharp pain. Amos grabbed my arms as I bend down in pain wincing.

"Dear are you alright!" Amos said

"No my chest!" I said as he held me

I then felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Hermione and Ron.

"Hope are you alright?" Hermione asked worried

"No-" I nodded as I began to feel the sharp pain get stronger

"Come on let's take you to Madam Pumfrey" Ron said lifting me up

We then heard a sound of someone arriving, the music began to play. I hear crying then I heard a scream, I turned and saw him. My heart turned cold, Cedric was on the floor as Harry cried on him.

"CEDRIC!" I ran to him

"Harry what happen!" Dumbledore said trying to pull him off but nothing

"No! Don't touch me! No!" Harry cried

"CEDRIC! NO! NO!" I pushed Harry off and grabbed Cedric face

I broke down, I grabbed Cedric's face. It was lifeless but his eyes remained open, he moved so easily like he had no nerve. It felt just like Aiden

"NO!!!" I yelled as I cried

"That's my son! THAT'S MY BOY!" I heard Amos cry as he ran to us


Please mom please not him, I need him. I can't do it without him, give me back Cedric. Please!

"Harry what happen!?" Dumbledore asked

"HE'S BACK! HE'S BACK VOLDEMORT!" Harry cried out

I lifted my head slowly toward Harry, anger, pain, coldness and emptiness filled my soul. Darkness, I had nothing left.

"Cedric!" I cried out weakly

I then saw something next to his hand, it was our picture. I began to cry more, I was sobbing, I was completely broken. I was filled with nothing but pain, there was nothing else to me but that. I grabbed the picture, that was the only thing Cedric kept with him. Just the picture of Him, Amos and I.

"HARRY!" I yelled I got up and ran to him, I felt Blaise and Kellian catch me before I could lay a finger in Harry

"WHAT DID YOU DO! Why!?" I yelled as I tried to break out of there arms

Blaise wrapped his arms around me and I screamed. I could feel my blood burning, my heart go dark, the pain swallowed me whole. Anger filled my heart, but the pain took my soul and everything that belonged. I knew it, it was too good to be true. I never get a happy ending.

"NO!" I yelled and cried out

"you father killed him!" Harry spat with tears

I looked at Harry with rage and anger as warm tears streamed down my face. I stepped on Blaise's shoe and he lets me go in pain. I walked to Harry and grabbed his arm, I used my Almisor gift. Harry fell to his feet in pain. Blaise then pulled me off, Harry looked up with tears in his eyes

"how did you do that!?" He spat as he stood up

"I just made you feel what I felt!" I said crying

"NOT MY BOY!" Amos yelled crying

I turned around and hugged Blaise as I cried. I heard cameras clicking, I looked up in anger. How dare they! Cedric died and there taking pictures! I took out my wand and pointed it at the cameras, they then all exploded as white lights popped from the lenses.

"SOMEONE just died! And you taking pictures!" I yelled

They all looked at me anger holding there broken cameras. I wanted to raise my wand again and put them in miserable pain, Blaise then grabbed my wand and Kellian pulled me out from everyone's sight. They dragged me until I pushed away and made them let me go, were where in between the quidditch field and the woods. We where close to Nik's and I's spot. I turned towards the woods. I felt rage, anger, and hatred build up in me. I clenched my fist and yelled. All the trees go flying back, this was power like never before. There was more hate, anger, darkness and emptiness inside of me like never before. The trees turn black, the grass goes black too, the trees for flying away and explode into thin pieces of wood. It felt like my heart ruptured, then I saw something I thought I would never see. It's was father in his death eater form.

"D-DDDDAD" I question as I trembled

"Children were have yo-" it's was the minister of magic

He saw my Dad or what he was known as now Lord Voldemort, before my father left the Minister of Magic saw him. Blaise and Kellian stood there in fear and didn't move even after he left. I felt light headed, then everything went black.

NOOOOOOOO!! Give me back CED!! Anyways on to the next chapter!! Don't forget to Vote and share my story pleaseee!!!!

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