Chapter 102

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I ran up the stairs and slammed the door shut, how could he do this to us. The day Tonks died in my arms I promised to take care of Teddy, the day Remus took that curse for me was the same day I made sure I wouldn't break my promise. I fell to the floor sobbing and pulling my thighs up to my chest, all we've ever wanted was for Teddy to be happy, to have the happy ending we never got.

"Oh, Nik I wish you where here to tell me how to do this...Ced I wish you where here to comfort me" I said sobbing

"E-Everything was so m-much easier when I had y-you both" I said as I could feel my breathing hitch


"I'm sorry are we not going to talk about how Hope looked like she just massacred someone!?" Pansy said frowning her brows

"She was doing her work o-"

"I Always knew it Potter! Your jealous of Hope, your jealous because she's accomplished things you can't even being to dream of Potter! You jealous because Hope has been through far worser things you've ever been through and yet she's standing tall! Running her own business, rich, happy, providing for her godson, something that you haven't done while all you've been doing is shagging little Weasley!" Draco spat as Harry went towards him

Theo and Blaise pulled back Draco whole bill pulled Harry back, the tension was high. Draco knew everything he said was true, Potter just wanted to be the center of attention like always.

"Now that Hope's happy and has everything working out for her, you want to take that away!" Draco cleaned his jaw

"Shut IT MALFOY!" Harry yelled trying to break free of bills hold

"Enough! Both of you, Olivia darling tell Hope we decided to go back some but we really appreciate everything she's done for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day" Molly said smiling warmly as Arthur came down with the trunks

"What? Why? Miss. Knot only said she wanted Harry to leave not you Mrs. Weasley" Olivia questioned

"Oh no dear, I know but I just feel like right now isn't the best time. We'll see you next time hopefully soon dear!" Molly said smiling and hugging everyone goodbye

Molly, Arthur, Bill, Fleur, Along with Ginny went by the fire place and go flu powder in there hands.

"Harry come on" Ginny reached out her hand

"I need to talk to H-"

"Sorry Harry but I don't think she wants to talk to you after what you did" Amelia said putting her lips in a thin line

Harry sighed and walked towards Ginny, they all went one by one. Then left only leaving Luna, Kellian, Theo, Pansy, Amelia, Blaise, Draco, Fred, George and Ron. Along with Hermione, they all stood there in silence.

"Well this has been an interesting morning" Luna said smiling

"Yeah no kidding lovegood" Ron crossed his arms

"I'm going up to talk to Hope" Draco said as he began to walk away

"And what makes YOU think she wants to talk to you!" Ron spat as Draco stopped and hurried back down the stairs

Draco began to walk towards Ron with an angry posture and movement.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Draco come down" Theo said pushing him back gently

"REALLY WEASLEY! Hope has been betrayed, left, abandon her whole life! Everyone she's ever loved has died! And just when I thought you couldn't get anymore PATHETIC you go on and betray Hope! WHILE STILL LIVING IN HER HOUSE! You Weasley's REALLY are nothing but pathetic and a poor excuse of a pure blood family!" Draco yelled looking at them in disgust

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