Chapter 69

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I stared at Draco confused while he gave me a blank and serious look. I blinked rapidly hoping he didn't mean what I thought he meant.

"I said get on your knees now!" Draco spat

"Who do you think your talk-"

"Get On Your Knees and Suck!" Draco said firmly

"FUCK YOU!" I spat in disgust

"WHAT the fuck did you just say!" Draco pulled me from my arm and grabs a hand full of my hair

"Let me go! I can't nor will I ever be yours again. I'm with Nik and I would n-never h-hurt him or b-break him the way y-you did to m-me" I said as my lips trembled, tears rushed from my eyes

"Oh please you know I could have you this instant if I wanted to" Draco said with a dirty grin

"You D-Dont get to say that me anymore...You have Astoria Greengrass to please and say all your nonsense too...not me" I said as I stopped myself from crying and became cold

Rage filled Draco's face, Draco yanks my hair back causing me to wince. He then lets me go pushing me away, I step in my cloak and fall. I try to break my fall and land on my hands. I then feel a sharp pain coming from my hands. I look at them and see blood falling from the palm of my hands as a sharp glass was inside of it. It wouldn't need stitches but it wasn't small either.

"Get Up!" Draco spat

I didn't want to turn to him because I knew he would automatically turn cold or feel guilty. I got up and hid my hand, blood was dripping on the floor but I stepped on it as I stood making sure he didn't see. I then ran out before Draco could touch me. I ran to the girls' lavatory which was never used by anyone. I walked in turned on the fossett and out my hand u fed the water. The blood mixed with the water as the water hit the cut. I then pick out the glass as I whimper in pain, I throw the glass on the other side of the room. The cut had stopped bleeding so much, I turned around and leaned on the sink. I pulled Aidens card out from my back pocket, I started to open it as I felt tears filling my eyes.

Dear Hope,

I am sorry for ever raising my wand at you, although I know you where saying all those mean things about Harry, Hermione and The Weasley's along with muggle borns I knew you weren't faking everything you said about father. Hope I had to leave, I will return but once I figure out what I'm missing. My darling sister out father was a very mad man, out mother showed us memories of the old Tom Riddle. You must remember that out father is not Tom anymore, he is lord Voldemort. He is wicked, evil, and a monster. I think that there's just a part of you that doesn't want to except that so you cover all the true things with fake images, with your imagination. That's fine, I must leave. I have to figure out what's waiting for me in life. I don't want you to suffer nor be sad about my departing from Hogwarts. I need you to live happy and be you, I won't be gone for long just enough time for me to figure some things out. Love you

Love, your brother Aiden

I shut my eyes as a tear dropped in the letter, I put the leader down as I sat in the floor. I pulled my knees up and leaned my head back on the wall. He was gone again, he left me again, he abandoned me again! I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, I punched the mirror causing it to break. My knuckles hand small cuts in them from the punch, nothing savior. I took a deep breath and walked out.

I went to the rest of my classes and did everything normally. I went by my day trying to hide my anger and sadness, once classes where done I rushed back to the Slytherin common room. When I walked in I saw everything cleaned, like what I did never happened. I turn towards the leather sofas and saw Amelia, Kellian and Blaise all hanging out.

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