Chapter 109

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"Blaise? What are you doing here?" I asked as I stood up

"Figured that the only reason I couldn't find you the other day was because you where somewhere you felt safe. I checked your spot with Nik and you weren't there but I was about to come here until that's when you arrived home" Blaise said walking towards me

"Yeah well I came to see them, do you think there disappointed in me?" I asked as I sat back down

"Of course not, Hope you've been through so much your entire life so I'd like to believe that this is only going to get better for you..just give it time" Blaise said sitting next to me

"Thanks, imagen though what I could have prevented myself if I never slept with Draco" I said scoffing with a smile

"Yes well losing your virginity willingly is better than losing it when you don't want to" Blaise said looking straight ahead

"What do you mean? I thought you lost your virginity to Amelia?" I asked as I saw his body tense up

"No..." he said numbly and quietly

"Oh okay" I said looking down

"You have to report him you know" Blaise said turning to me

"I don't want to..I don't want to deal with Adrian anymore, just the sound of his name makes me sick to my stomach" I said as I felt sick swallowing thickly

"You have too..or your gonna regret it for the rest of your life. I know what it's like be.." Blaise let out a trembling breath

I put my hand on his shoulder as he looks down trembling in fear, he began to cry quietly as I got closer to him hugging him.

"Blaise it's okay" I said comforting him

I didn't know why he was crying but I knew that he needed me.

"I...when I was mother married a was only 2 weeks after there wedding. One night...I-I was in my room sleeping...w-when I heard my door open and close...I-I was only twelve...h-he touched me a-and..." Blaise began to sob as felt my eyes water

Blaise was raped, he was touched by his own mother's husband. I felt my heart break, this entire time Blaise has kept that to himself. All these years he's had to deal with that alone and the worst part is that he never got justice.

"After that night...I hexed my door every dam day...I-I never told my mum...I-I didn't car-e that I wasn't- allowed to do m-magic outside of school...I just...I just wanted to feel safe again" Blaise cried in my arms as I held him

I felt my heart breaking, I held him tightly as he cried. I've never seen Blaise cry like this, only when we lost Nik. He's always been so happy, funny and alive but he's..he's broken right now.

"T-That's why you have to do it...can't y-you'll be haunting you forever if you don't....I h-have to live with t-that ever day" Blaise said crying

"Blaise...I'm so sorry..I'm sorry I wasn't there to know or be there when you needed me" I said as he cried quietly

"I've learned live with it but you can't afford to..I wouldn't even..e-even wish t-that o-n my worst..enemy" Blaise said as I stroked his cheek

I sat there...holding him as he cried and sobbed. Blaise didn't deserve that he was to pure for that. He was just a boy. I felt sick to even think of someone putting there hands on my Blaise, how sick was that man..he was only a child. We sat there until we decided to head home together once he had stopped crying and ir wasn't noticeable. I walked in to see Draco and felt my heart break. I ran to him and hugged him, he was taken by surprise and hugged me back almost immediately.

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