Chapter 98

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TRIGGER WARNINGS!! ‼️grab a tissue

I felt like my body was burning alive, it was eating me alive. I was crying but not because of the pain...because of what I had lost today. If I live past today I'll be alone...I won't have Uncle Severus, Tonks, Remus, Mum, Aiden, Cedric or Nik. I was alone and I couldn't do anything about it. My body began to float in the air as the crucio spell was still in its full effect.

"AHH!" I yelled from the top of my lungs


"Draco, Draco come here" I heard Narcissa say

With all my strength I opened my eyes and saw Draco, no not him. Never.

"NO!!" I yelled and I felt power burst out of me

I fell to the ground as Voldemort fell back to the shook wave of magic. He had gotten hurt, I wanted nothing more than to kill him but Harry had to.

"STAY BACK ALL OF YOU!" I yelled as I dragged myself away

"WHERE DO you think your going!" Voldemort came up to me and began to choke me

Everyone gasped and cried as felt my oxygen running out, my face turning red. Draco then walked pass me looking down and towards Narcissa and Lucius.

"I've got something to say" I heard Neville say as my father choked me

He then released me and I bent down coughing and breathing heard as I tried to catch my breath. Voldemort turned towards Neville.

"Tell me! What is your name" Voldemort spat

"Neville Longbottom sir" Neville looked down

Everyone began to laugh at us name, I could see my father was distracted. I turned to Draco who was was starring at me the entire time. I singled him to move away from the rest of the death eaters, he didn't understand. I didn't know what to do then it came to me.

"Draco, it's me Hope! I need you to move your father and mum out of the way along with yourself. I'm going to kill the death eaters and if the white light touches your father he will die. Be discreet..thank you Draco."

I said in his head as he looked at me, he then whispered in his parents ears, they began to move slowly. Neville had been talking the entire time but I wasn't paying attention.

"IT'S NOT OVER!" Neville shouted and I jumped up and kicked my father with my strong strength making his fall back

Turned to the death eaters, they where all there. I screamed letting the pain escape me for once, no more. Not my family, non of them anymore. The white light bursted out of me as hit every death eater, they burned and turned into black dust as it hit them. In that Harry jumped jumped down from Hagrid's arms and ran

"POTTER!" Draco yelled and through him his wand

Harry caught it running then went head to head with Voldemort. Death eaters all dying and bursting into nothing but black dust. The white light brightened more as the necklace shined bright soon all red, green, yellow, and blue lights shined brightly as they turned into a white light. I felt the light flowing through my body, it felt euphoric. I felt something I haven't felt in the longest of years..peace and happiness the pain was going away. All of it, it was disappearing. I shut my eyes as a tear rolled down, I let it escape me..soon enough I realized I wasn't yelling. The white light was just emerging from with in me, they where all dead non of them where left standing. The white light then came back hitting me strongly as it came back in me hitting me and making a collided sound. I fell to the floor.

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