Chapter 48

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Get ready to grab a tissue or something cause shits about to get real!

"It's okay Ami, it's Draco who's the bitch here" I say

Draco instantly clenched his fist and jaw as his anger start pouring out from his face

"Watch it you filthy little-"
I instantly get up as put my wand at his neck his face instantly goes up as I big my wand on his jaw line

"Since everyone here knows my secret may I remind you my blood is pure! Threw my veins runs the blood of Tom Riddle and Penelope Knott so don't you DARE insult my family name Malfoy!" I say clench my jaw together in anger

"Careful Riddle-" Draco gets cut off

"Hope what's going on here? I saw you run out so we came chasing after you" Harry said

I instantly put my wand down and put it back Into to my skirt and place it into a small strap that was located under my skirt to hold my wand.

" Harry-"

"Wait, Hope did he do something to you that's why you had your wand out! Cause if he did I swear I'll-"

"Harry relax, Hermione, Ron I promise everything is alright" I say walking towards Harry and place my hand on his cheek

" or you'll what Potter!" Draco says with disgust and anger

Harry snapped, he takes out his wand and points it towards Draco. Draco makes a nasty face and does the same. Hermione and Ron look at each other and take there's out as well. I turn back and see Amelia and Nik take out there wands and point it towards Harry. While Blaise and Kellian take there wands out but keep it pointing the floor.

"Harry no, no ,no ,no , put it down please" I say trying to put Harry's arm down

As I tried to put his arm down his force was to strong for me, I tried but his muscles were to strong. I turn to Draco and see his face was determined so there was no way he was going to put his wand down.

"I-I-ugh" I say going in front of Harry

He comes back to reality and sees me standing in front of his wand, I turn back and see Draco had his wand down because I got between him and Harry. I smile, he rolls his eyes as he rolls his tongue inside his cheek.

"Move Hope! Now!" Harry exclaimed

"No! I can't let you hurt them..their..their my friends too" I say turning back at them and back at Harry

"Friends? Friends don't make each other change there appearance just to satisfying themselves" Harry gave me a mad look

"Or what you didn't think I noticed that your wear tight skirts and green the color of the Slytherin house, or as I like to call them the biggest bitches I've ever met" Harry clenched his jaw

"Hey! Asshat watch your mouth before I rearrange it for you!" Amelia spat

"I'd like to see you try!" Hermione said

"What'd you say Granger!" Amelia said trying to step forward until Kellian stopped her

"Piss off!" Ron said

"What's you say to my sister!" Kellian spat

"Hey! Enough I am not gonna be involved with this especially because I'm gonna be in the middle, Harry put your wand down before you do something you'll regret"

"I'm sorry Hope but trust me I would never regret hurting Malfoy! Move Hope, this hatred has been built up way before you were hear so stay out of it. I'm sorry" Harry said pushing his lips together with a frown

I feel my body get thrown, the air thickened as I go flying across the air. I end up hitting the wall with a great force and hardness. I hit the top of the wall and come crashing down hard on my rib. I scream in pain as tears drop from my eyes

"Harry! What did you do!?" Hermione screamed

As I open my eyes just enough I see Amelia come running towards me and puts her wand on the floor, I turn behind her and see all there wands shoot a spell before I shut my eyes. My vision started getting blurry as I screamed and voraciously yelped in pain. It was a burning sensation, my ribs were throbbing in pain. I could feel myself wandering off as my vision went black

"GUYS! She fainted!" Amelia yelled

I could hear them but yet I didn't have enough strength to open my eyes

"Get off of me! I'm GONNA KILL HIM!!" Draco shouted

"Mate she's hurt COME ON we've hurt him enough!" Nik said

Their voices faded as I felt my body getting heavier and heavier. I then went blank

A few hours later

Okay bye now Im gonna go jump off a ducking cliff because apparently HARRY DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HOPE!!😭😂just kidding I would never I have to finish this story duhhh

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