Chapter 39

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"Incendio" I whisper
Pansy then jumps up patting her arm as it lit on fire, Draco helped her and they finally took it out as Pansy squealed. I look down with a smile, I get up retrace my steps to look for my wand. I then bump into a man wearing all black and holding my wand, he had long blond hair just like Draco. He had a serious face and looked down at me.

"That's my wand Give It Back!" I said

"Young lady do you know who your talking to... my name is Luicus Malfoy show a little more respect" He said

"with all my respect I don't really don't care I would like it back!" I said as I raised my voice

"This is a very unique wand if I don't say so myself, it's made out of glass and it's a very nice shade of back must be very fragile " he said twisting it back and forth

"Not really the glass doesn't break if you don't give me my wand I'll just take it myself!" I say putting my hand on my wand

I try to pull it away but his force was to strong, he starts turning and turns my back towards the railings. I turn back and see one of the chains broken, he then lets it go and I go back because of all the force I was making. I trip on my heels and break threw the railings

"Oh my god HOPE" Hermione yelled

As I was I tried to tuck my body in but nothing worked

"HARRY WATCH OUT!" Dean yelled

In the corner of my eyes I se Harry and he crashes I to me, our body's collies and hit each other hard. We then both land on the floor and I could feel myself in an enormous amount of pain, I then realize it was my left rib. I screamed in pain, I grab my rib as I'm in pain

"HOPE!" Harry gets up and come running to me

"Hope hey listen to me your gonna be okay!" Harry said as he turned me around slowly

In that moment Hermione came running down room the seats while Ron came down from his broom. I see Hermione get down on her knees and come close to me

"Hope are you okay!? What happened!? How did you fall!?" Hermione asked

Hermione was asking to much answers it got to the point that I forgot them all. I then hear Dumbledore and lady McGonagall coming towards me and the others. I shut my eyes because of all the pain yet I still heard everyone whispering from their seats.

"Hope? Hope? Listen to me are you alright" Dumbledore said trying to stay calm

"NO! No I think I broke my rib!" I said in pain

"Bloody hell, Hope your such a magnet for danger" said Ron

Everyone turns and looks at Ron with a serious face. Ron then smiles nervously and shrugs his shoulders slowly as I layer their in pain.

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