Chapter 63

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After a while I got back down but I didn't go back I used my wand to make the other brooms fly in the air and try to drop me from my broom as I played quidditch by myself. I the bludgers did there job in there own but it would obviously hurt more because I didn't have any beaters, I had the quaffle in my hands. I started racing towards the hoops as the brooms and bludgers chased after me. The broom trying to knock me off as it went straight in front of me, I quickly turned to the point where I was upside down and turned back up. I score and throw the quaffle into the hoop but as I celebrate the bludgers both come straight at me and both knock me down. I got falling down from high and all the way to the ground. I land roughly stomach first on the floor, I groan in pain as I didn't have any uniform from quidditch to protect me. I roll over and look up as I laid there in somewhat pain, I then sit up holding my stomach.

"Oh dear! Are you alright child?" I heard Madam Rolanda Hooch behind me or as I liked to call her Mrs. R.H

I instantly jump and turn around towards her while I stood on my knees. My face showed straight fear as I feared her getting me into trouble for touching the quidditch things. She looks as me raising and eye brow with a smile, I smile at her fearful.

"Y-yes!" I say swallowing thickly

"You've got talent Miss?" She said looking curious at me

"Evens, Hope Evens. I'm a Slytherin, I was actually meaning to ask if I could try out for the team as a chaser?" I said standing up giving her a bright smile

"Well Ms. Evens it's your lucky day for some reason one of my chasers just got injured badly this morning" she said walking towards me

I look at her in confusion and automatically thought it has to do with Draco, he must have hurt him or something.

"Mrs. R.H I was wondering who's are your other chasers on the team?" I asked still holding my stomach as the pain went down

"Well it's Zabini and Adrian Pucey of course and my seeker is Malfoy, my beaters are Goyal and Crabbe, my keeper is Mr. Black, and well my older chaser which was captain Mr. Flint got very injured so I must replace him with yourself" she said walking by me picking up the things on the field

I stood there shocked at what she just said, sweat dripped from my body as I had taken off the sweater only leaving me on a sports bra and sweats. I jumped up in excitement trying to not let Ms. R.H hear me jumping up and down. Mrs. R.H turns around but before I can control myself I was still jumping up and down, in that moment I didn't care I go running to her and hug her in excitement

"Thank you! Thank you Mrs. R.H I promise you won't regret it!! I'll be your best player and maybe even be captain! I promise!!" I yell jumping up and down still hugging her

"Well Evens I hope your right, but I do want to tell you that I do want you to be captain. I've seen all my players play for the past few years and I've never seen them be as passionate as you Evens" she said pulling back and having a confidence look

I open my mouth still curved into a smile, I start jumping up and down uncontrollably while holding onto Mrs. R.H's arm. I then scream in excitement and hug her tightly as I shut my eyes. I pull back and open my eyes.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU I-I promise you won't regret this AHH!!" I go off running and yelling

As I run to tell the other I grab my sweater from the floor as I ran out. I ran faster than ever, I wasn't running because I was crying or because I wanted to get away I was running because I was happy. The only thing that I actually did want in life finally made itself to me, as I ran I finally arrived to the Hogwarts grounds. I first saw Cedric talking to Cho or more like flirting, I yelled at him as I turned and walked backwards

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