Chapter 35

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I turn to Draco with an angry look while he turns to me with a smirk. My blood started boiling as I stared into Draco's eyes, he rolls his eyes and turns away only making me furious. I could feel my breathing getting heavier as I clenched my fist. Hermione glances over at Ron as George, Fred and Harry all stare at my fist. All I saw was red in that moment. Hermione, Ron, Harry, George, Fred and some other Gyffindor's see the glass cups and plates starting to shake, Harry quickly turns to me and grabs my hand. I take a deep breath and turn to Harry, I squeeze his hand and he squeezes mine. Harry kisses me on the forehead as I start to calm down, I turn back at Draco to see his face bright red and filled with jealousy. I look down biting my lip as I was nervous

"Students you may all now feast as for today celebrate a great victory" Dumbledore says as he takes a seat next to the rest of the professors

"I have to go!" I say throwing the napkin that was in my lap on the table

"Hope wai-"

Hermione reaches her hand out, interrupts him and grabs Harry before he chases me down the hallway

"Harry you need to let her breath trust me she'll be fine" Hermione said sitting Harry back down

As I walked out I went to The Flower garden, it was the only place that calmed me down. I went to the tree as I dragged my feet and held my hair up with my hand. I then realized I was having a panic attack, I haven't had them sense 2 year ago. It had started when Aiden died, I could feel my breathing cutting off. Each breath I took got smaller and smaller, my heart was racing like crazy, my body was getting so hot. I took off my cloak and dropped it to the floor, I put both of my hands flat on the tree. I tried to make it stopped but nothing helped, I then feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around

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