Chapter 97

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I began to hear shots of magic, everyone was now fighting someone. There was so many of them, I turned and already saw many dead, my heart raptured as I saw them all on the floor. I turned to see Pansy and Theo struggling against Alecto and Amycus Carrow. I ran to them and as I did I saw the glowing lights form my necklace shine. I shot my wand at Amycus and a white, electric and soft light comes from my wand making Amymus turn into dust. I looked over at Alecto who had Pansy against the wall, I ran and jumped pulling Pansy down with me. I turned up quickly and shot the white light at Alecto as she burned and bursted into dust. Theo ran towards us and picked us up.

"You both have to get somewhere safe! Go the basement where no one will be, remember where we hide our liquor" I said as the nodded with a smile

I turned around and began to search for others, I turned to see Bellatrix and Greyback. I felt anger fille up, soon enough they faced me.

"Look who it is! TRAITOR!" Bellatrix yelled

"Shut the hell up! Your just mad because you never got to shag my father" I spat in disgust

"You ever thought to ask yourself who killed you mummy deary" Bellatrix chuckled, I felt my self burning from inside

"It's was us don't tell me you forgot we tortured, burned, and marked Penelope" Greyaback grinned

"I'm going TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" I yelled with a flick of my wrist the white light strikes at them both more power than ever, breaking the brick wall down

Bellatrix and Greyback hid, I stood behind a small brick wall still being able to make sight of them both. They Killed her, they killed my mum. Both of them, I turned to see Bellatrix

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" She yelled as the green light flashed at me

I picked up my wand and blocked it, Bellatrix looked shocked to see me being able to block that curse. I stood up and pointed my wand at her.

"My turn..AVADA KEDAVRA!" I yelled as the green light flashed and came out of my wand

Bellatrix didn't deserve to die into pure dust..she deserved to have worms eat her alive. I then felt a sharp pain on my back, I fell down and turned back to Greyback. He walked towards me as I dragged myself back, he grinned. I then saw something strike him as he stopped and fell to the floor, side of me. I looked up to see Tonks's. I smiled and got up, she then hugged me and turned me.

"Are you ALRIGHT!?" Tonks said worried cupping my face

"I'm fine godmother..I know where you can be safe, there a basement not so far-" I stopped to see Tonks cough blood

I gasped as tears immediately escaped my eyes, I turned behind her to see Greyback fall down in death. I looked in Tonks back to see a dagger, no. I caught Tonks in my arms as she fell.

"No! NO! PLEASE! DONT LEAVE US! TEDDY, REMUS AND I ALL NEED YOU PLEASE TONKS STAY AWAKE! STAY WITH ME..your the closet thing I have it a mum" I cried sobbing

"It' tell...Teddy..mummy loves him..I love f-far are t-the best ever h-happen to me..and Remus...tell him I love him.." Tonks smiles and strokes my cheek

He smile faded and her head knocks back, he hand fall to the floor as her knuckles hit the brick ground. He body felt the others I held.

"NNOO!" I screamed crying

"PLEASE! WAKE UP! NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME TOO." I cried holding her

"TONKS! HOPE! MY LOVES WHERE ARE YOU" Remus shows up next to me as I held Tonks

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