Chapter 12

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I could see he was holding himself back. I felt by breath getting shorter and shorter. The was he grinned made me want to kiss his lavishing lips and never stop. God he was so handsome, every bit of me wanted him but I knew it was wrong. We were nothing and frankly I didn't want to be known as an easy girl. Draco then walks back and smiles. He goes to the door putting his hand on the handle.

"Notice how you didn't say no" he winks and smiles.

He licks his thumb that was in my lips and leaves. I stayed in the small room for a while until no one suspected anything. As I walk out I'm holding the necklace that Draco gave me.

"Hope wait" 
Dumbledore said coming towards me with sadness in his eyes. I could tell something was wrong

"What is it?" I asked

I turn and see Harry, Hermione and Ron behind him with tears in there eyes. They all look up at me with the same expression on there face. I could feel something off. All of a sudden I started to feel a sharp pain in my heart.

"Ahh ouch" I said in pain grabbing my chest
"What Is it Hope are you alright" he said worried

"I'm fine, what's going on? Did something happen" I said

I could see Dumbledore was hesitant to tell me something. I turn and see mail coming towards us, Dumbledore sticks his hand out and grabs the piece of paper. His face turns pale.

"What is it Dumbledore, do you feel sick? " I said worried

" Hope your mother was attacked" Dumbledore said looking down at the floor

"Wha..WHAT!" I started to feel my eyes getting watery

"They tried everything Hope, I'm sorry she's gone" he said with sympathy

"no NO NOO" I screamed and cried

In that instant Harry came and hugged me tightly as I tried to pull him away.

"no NO NOT HER AHH" I screamed in pain as Harry held me.

I could feel my heart shattering into a billion pieces. My heart was ripped out of me. My soul was gone in that moment. I felt so numb, I didn't get to say goodbye because I was to busy flirting with a boy. I felt broken, I had now officially lost every family me ever that I had left. My brother and my mother were together but I was alone. I cried in Harry's arms as Hermione hugged me too. I grabbed Harry's cloak and pulled it.

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